Common Mistakes that People Do While Using the Bathrooms at Hotels in Ahmedabad

Hygiene is the two-third of our health but unfortunately, not many people consider it important and especially when they use the bathrooms at the hotels in Ahmedabad. Talk to any housekeeping staff member and he will tell you how carelessly the guests use the bathroom.
The majority of guests are always negligent towards washroom hygiene. It doesn’t just speak about them but bothers the housekeepers who are assigned with the task of cleaning guest bathrooms and toilets.
To ensure that you create a good example at hotels in Ahmedabad, you need to be very particular about your washroom manners. Keeping yourself aware is the best way to keep yourself from committing mistakes and hence, today, we will share with you the common mistakes that guests always make while using the bathrooms at the hotels in Ahmedabad.
Here they are:
· Not flushing properly
This is unbelievable but sadly, true. Most of the times, while cleaning the bathrooms, the housekeepers come across filthy toilets. The guests use the toilets badly and don’t even bother to flush, let alone cleaning the pot.
You must never make this terrible, extremely unhygienic, and unsanitary mistake. Always make sure that you have flushed the toilet properly.
· Leaving the taps on
This is not dirty but unacceptable. Wasting water is equivalent to a heinous crime.
Given the rate at which we are depleting the natural resources, they are on the verge of extinction. The rate at which we are destroying these resources, it won’t be wrong to say that we may have nothing to leave for the coming generations. In the wake of this, many hotels in Ahmedabad have adopted the green models to make their property more environment-friendly.
Whether you are staying in any such green hotel or simple accommodation in Ahmedabad, it is your responsibility to save water. The easiest way with which you can fulfil your responsibilities towards Mother Earth is by closing all the taps properly after use.
· Not wearing bathroom slippers
Many guests don’t bother to wear toilet slippers and walk inside the washrooms with soiled shoes. The housekeepers always find it quite annoying for obvious reasons.
You must not do the same. The hotels in Ahmedabad provide bathrooms slippers in every room. You must check the wardrobe and if you do not find them there, you can request the front desk to send a pair to you.
By walking with your dirty shoes in the bathroom, you will only make it difficult for the housekeepers.
· Spilling the toiletries on the floor
Now, it isn’t just bad but dangerous too. The housekeeper may slip in the bathroom or even you can slip in the bathroom if you keep spilling your shampoo or shower gel on the bathroom floor.
Use the toiletries carefully while you bathe. If you accidentally spill something, call the housekeepers to clean the floor to avert any such uncalled-for situation.
· Leaving the hair strands in the sink
Again an unsanitary quality possessed by the majority of guests staying at the hotels in Ahmedabad. Ladies! After you finish your shower, you must check the sink and throw your hair strands in the dustbin.
The housekeeper will certainly do it on your behalf but you must have the decency of clearing your mess, at least in the bathroom.
These were the common mistakes that guests usually commit while using the bathrooms at their accommodation in Ahmedabad. You must avoid these mistakes at any cost.
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