Common Football Injuries and How to Treat Them

Posted by Jennifer Smith
Oct 17, 2015
Its football season in Lufkin, Texas and that often means that orthopedic injuries are on the rise. While minor injuries can be treated on the sidelines with a bandage and ice, others require a visit to an orthopedic physician to help avoid reinjury and be sure that proper healing is occurring.

The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is at the joint between the thigh bone and the shin bone and is often injured in football players. An ACL injury can result from being hit on the side of the knee or from overextending. In the event of ACL damage, the athlete will hear a popping sound and see immediate swelling. The knee should be iced and elevated instantly following injury to help minimize healing times. Because ACL repair often requires surgery for successful restoration, an orthopedic surgeon should be consulted.

Ankle sprains are one of the most common injuries seen in football. However, they are easily avoided by properly warming up and stretching before practice and games. An ankle sprain is the result of ligaments around the ankle being stretched too far out of their natural position. While avoiding an accidental trip or misstep can be difficult, take preventative measures by warming up to help avoid an injury on the field. The RICE method (rest, ice, compression, elevation) should be utilized, and a visit to an orthopedic specialist if the injury worsens is in order.

Achilles tendonitis is caused when the tendon located at the back of the ankle is inflamed and irritated due to overuse. When this occurs, the player should sit down, rest, and drink a lot of water as this will help reduce the inflammatory response. If not treated properly, Achilles tendonitis can cause a tendon rupture, likely resulting in surgery.

Football requires players to quickly turn to dodge opponents, which can lead to meniscus injury. The meniscus is a piece of cartilage that acts as a shock absorber in the knee. When a meniscus tear occurs, it is common to hear a popping sound and swelling and/or stiffness of the knee. The RICE method should be applied immediately to help minimize damage before seeing an orthopedist.

When football injuries occur, it is critical to seek emergency medical care from a Lufkin, Texas orthopedic specialist. DOC Texas will ensure an accurate diagnosis and proper treatment to help get you back on the field playing the game you love as quickly as possible.

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