Characteristics of Infertile Men and their Causes
What are the characteristics of barren men and their causes there are many factors that need to be known by you, why until now they also do not have a lineage (children).
Infertility or infertility is a term if the couple cannot give a child, the following are some of the characteristics of a barren man, including:
- Changes that occur in the hair.
- The desire to have sexual relations begins to change.
- The shape or size of the testicles is too small.
- Breasts that are abnormal about growth.
- There is a history of problems with symptoms of impotence in men.
- Having problems with premature ejaculation.
- The amount and thickness of the sperm that are lacking or too runny.
- The body that often feels tired.
- And others.
If anyone wants to be asked more fully about the problem of barren men, what are the characteristics of barren men and their causes, can be done through free online consultation (whatsapp chat) by clicking the image below.
Each of the interactions or questions and answers with raphael clinic medical personnel in southern Cikarang is private or confidential that we maintain well and are safe from the reach of irresponsible outside communities.
Causes of Men Can Experience Infertility
After knowing the explanation above about what are the characteristics of infertile men and their causes, the following below are problems that commonly occur due to the causes of infertility, including:
- Effect of alcoholic beverages, often consume.
- Active smoker.
- Already used to consuming drugs with a long period of time.
- Lack of important nutrients such as vitamin C, iron and others.
- The level of the mind that is too high or is experiencing stress.
- And others.
Other causes can be you or the patient ask the klinik raphael di cikarang selatan medical staff in cikarang through a free online consultation service (whatsapp chat) by clicking on the image below.
Your secret or patient starts from personal information, problems regarding infertile male disease, maintenance costs, the location of Raphael's clinic in Cikarang and others are private or confidential that we maintain well and are safe from the reach of irresponsible outside communities.