Back to Origin
Good Evening everybody !
If you have 20 minutes, relax, set to fullscreen , turn the speakers on, set on 20 sec. autoplay and review this : >> Back to Origin <<
You can watch and adapt the viewers look and feel very simple also as non-autoplaymode, using the forward-backward buttons and zoom in & out on every slide or move in all directions the slide you watch by pressing once your left mouse button and then shift in all directions until the best view suits you. Take a coffee, prepare a sheet of paper and a pencil to take notes and if you consider the info a good one, feel free to call us anytime or just take the right steps.
... Anyway something big will happen here in Munich soon, but more on this at a later moment.
* Just need a few open minded friends and some realistic reviews.
* Marius
Comments (2)
Marius Wlassak
Business Media Consultant
b17x99 I really appreciate your message and your product is not ignored, but as you may have noticed, back to nature does not mean that drinking coffee is a must. It's more- I can. Of course when we come down to nutritional values these days we must first ask ourselfs : Do you really believe there's something nutritional still on our planet soils? Then ask yourself again the same question... you will then soon soon the answer where coffee beans grow. And for sure not in water but as trigger with