Awesome Yummy Homemade Ice cream Recipes

The frozen chilled Ice creams are quite a must-have in the scorching summer months. You could prepare these yummy, creamy delights at home itself rather than splurging on store-bought ones. Here are top 5 homemade ice cream ideas/recipes to leave everyone salivating.
Coconut Ice cream
Coconut ice cream is a mouthwatering icy, creamy treat that may leave you drooling for it. 1 cup of milk, 1 can full coconut cream, 1 and ½ cups of heavy cream and 1 and ½ cups of flaked, sweetened coconut are the chief ingredients required to make this ice cream. To make the ice cream, first you need to blend coconut cream and milk thoroughly in a blender. Next, stir in flaked coconut and cream and mix well. Put the entire mixture into ice cream maker and leave for freezing for 5-6 hours. Once done, luxuriate in the sweet creamy taste of coconut ice cream!
Mango Ice cream
The juicy, aromatic mangoes when punched with frozen rich cream makes up a magical delightful ice cream, the mango ice cream. The key ingredients needed to make mango ice cream are 1 can of cool, whipped cream, 1 can of mango pulp, 1 can of condensed milk [sweetened], 2 tsp of rose essence, ½ a cup of chopped Pistachio nuts. To make the delectable mango ice cream, you first need to whip and mix the mango pulp and condensed milk with the help of an electrical blender. Add rose essence to the smooth mixture, sprinkle with chopped pistachios and leave overnight for freezing. Remove from freezer, whisk again and refrigerate for at least 3 hours prior to serving.
Orange Ice cream
Refresh yourself with the delicious orange ice cream. The ingredients required to make this ice cream are 2 cups of milk, ½ a cup of fresh cream, ½ cup of sugar, ½ tsp orange essence, 3tbsp of orange Tang, 1 tbsp of corn flour. First mix the corn flour with ½ a cup of milk and set aside. Now, heat the rest of the milk along with sugar. Next, stir in the milk-corn flour mixture and cook for about 5 minutes on low flame. Once cooled, add orange essence, tang & fresh cream and whisk thoroughly. Now, pour the creamy mix into ice cream tray and leave to freeze for about 5 hours before getting lost in its taste!
Banana Ice cream
The tasty as well as nutritious banana ice cream will simply take your heart away. The chief ingredients needed for banana ice cream are 6 bananas, 2 cups of heavy cream, 2 beaten eggs, 2 liters of milk, 4 tbsp of sugar, 1/8th tsp of nutmeg. To make the ice cream, you first need to peel off and smash the bananas. Next, heat milk over low flame to reach a thick consistency and allow cooling. In a bowl, mix the cream, smashed bananas, milk, beaten eggs, sugar and whisk thoroughly. Now, deep freeze the mixture for at least 5 hours. Top with nutmeg prior to serving.
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