Are YOU using the Successful Six to grow your business?

Posted by Oswald Rodrigues
Dec 19, 2016
Image Imagine this…

You’re walking with a friend down a busy city sidewalk.  Suddenly, she exclaims, “Oh my goodness, it’s George Clooney!”

You glance around.  You don’t see George.  You scan the faces.  Nothing.  You peer in the shop windows.  Still, there is no sign of the A-list actor.

Finally, you say, “Where?!”

Your friend says, “Look!  Right there!”  And she points you in his direction.  You focus your attention there and sure enough, George appears.

You would have missed him if your friend hadn’t announced him and pointed you in the right direction where you focused your attention.

The same scenario plays out every single day for many online marketers.

They walk along in a crowd of business-building strategies on the cyber information streets of ebooks, webinars, emails, blog posts, products and so forth.  It’s so crowded!

If there is an A-list strategy to focus on, they have no idea where it’s at among all the stuff going on around them.  They gaze in windows.  Nothing.  They scan the options.  They try it all.  And yet nothing seems to really work to get them what they are after – a glimpse of success!

Here’s where Jimmy D. Brown and his new Earncome training program come in to save the day.

Jimmy will tell you, “Look! Right there!” And he will point you in the right direction for a profitable internet business.  You just focus your attention where he points and see what appears!

Jimmy will help you focus on what he calls the “Successful Six”.  Here they are…

1. Revenue: These are the strategies you use to bring the money into your business.

2. Database: The money is in the list, which is why you’ll want to focus on growing and monetizing your prospect and customer database.

3. Acquisition: This is all about generating targeted traffic and turning these visitors into customers.

4. Growth: The idea here is to use simple strategies that grow your business automatically. It’s time to turn on “built-in” profit boosters.

5. Content: No matter what you’re selling, you need content: blog posts, social media content, newsletters, sales letters and more. That’s why it’s a good use of your time to find out how to create really good content faster, easier and more profitably.

6. Productivity:  It’s so easy for your business to consume you. That’s why every business owner ought to know the secrets of making more money while working fewer hours.

What Jimmy does it give you something new to do every 7 days in order to build your business in all of these areas.  What he has setup is truly amazing in the way that it is broken down into manageable action steps each week.

Check it out at

Where should you focus if you want to build your business week after week?  Where should you divert your attention if you want to get more traffic, build bigger lists, sell more products?

Look!  There!  I’m pointing you towards

P.S. Making money online shouldn’t be complicated. Now you too can simplify your business and make it more profitable than ever. Click here to get started:
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Comments (1)
Franto Hruz

Online Income Systems Development

Nice post, Oswald ... what products or services did you learn how to create for yourself with his help? You have inspired me to some great ideas I am now sharing with other team members here ...

Dec 19, 2016 Like it
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