A Smoker’s perspective on smoking and a need of E-cigarette
Pleasure is More Important:
Seeking pleasure is what that everyone wants. Smoking is sought of a pleasure-seeking activity. Every time a smoker buy a pack of smoking, he knows that it is not good for health, but still he chooses for it. A smoker instead of identifying all hazards of smoking continue the smoking. Apparently, the smoker did not pay attention to the messages provided through different channels and advertisements against smoking. The reason may be due to the fact that people tend to seek pleasure first and ignore the delaying effects of smoking. They consider it as freedom of expression.
Medicine as a problem solution for the smoker:
At some point when some signs of coughing etc. start developing, a smoker might think to quit smoking. Chantix is most common options as it increases the chances of quitting smoking. Smokers often don’t try to take medicines or don’t take it regularly. They often think it as excessive to make appointments form the doctors and visit them regularly. Many smokers also did not adhere to the instructions given by different organizations like CDC for quitting smoking. It seems that taking medications as an alternative do not appeal them.
Counseling is considered as another option that helps in quitting smoking. But the question is how many smokers intentionally seek counseling services for quitting smoking? Only 6 percent smokers actually try for it and other don’t. Attending counseling’s sessions are even more excessive then taking a pill and for a smoker, it is quite a difficult option to consider.
Trying patches is the last alternative solution for the smoker in an attempt to quit smoking. Despite success rates are better than cold turkey, but still, 92 percent smokers fail in this attempt.
What to do now as it apparently seems that majority of the efforts results in failure and relapse is the most common thing that is viewed.
What should be the other option then?
Electronic cigarette provides the best alternative of pleasure seeking and quitting smoking. It keeps satisfying your nicotine habit and also helps is quitting the traditional cigarette. However, the presence if a little amount of nicotine also bothers to those who don’t agree with the idea of Vaping but lower chances of risk is better than the increased chances of potential risks.
It is clear evidence that approximately 32 percent smokers and 34 percent, not smokers use e-cig, and more the 60% of the both groups have tried the e- cigarette and commonly smokers started Vaping with an intention of smoking.
Thinking of a smoker’s perspective is important while considering other alternative option. No doubt, taking medications and counseling helped many to quit smoking but the point is how many actually think of reviewing these options? And how many remain persistent with them and what are the chances of relapsing? Health care providers should think from the smoker’s perspectives. They must think what the factors of motivation for the smokers are.
Electronic cigarettes might not be entirely safe but very effective in quitting smoking and appeals the smoker. We must encourage the smoker step towards the better step rather than criticize them and that’s why we need Vaping.