A Few Pointers on How to Make Your Press Release Go Places

Posted by John Smith
Apr 8, 2020
If you are a small and medium enterprise (SME) on the verge of launching an innovative product that has benefits consumers have never experienced before, you need to get the word out.

If the press release service goes about it as you want it to, not only will your company image go up leaps and bounds but the public will also get vital information that can enhance their lives.

Yet the going may not be as easy as one may think.

Journalists are a discerning lot.

Media persons are careful, they want to ensure their resource for the readers to be authoritative and clarifying.

It is up to you to ensure this aspect.

For businesses, every event and accomplishment in their company is worthy of news.

But for journalists it may not be newsworthy.

So what makes for newsworthy content?

Journalists primarily rely on the following aspects.


If something is new and current information, it is news.


Local information has more value because it affects the local community and region. Journalists care more about events happenings “nearer to home”.

Disputes & disagreement 

Political strife and wars are events that attract attention. These are happenings that highlight problems within communities.

Human interest 

The public is interested in what other people do. They like unusual happenings and stories about amazing feats. 


People like news that is relevant to them. They prefer information that helps them make good decisions. If they are looking for a product, they like information about an innovative one, different from what is available. 

Let us focus on business news. 

How does a brand become newsworthy?

To be successful in this context, you must stop thinking like a copywriter.

Too many businesses are still using copywriters to create their stories, when what readers really want is information from knowledgeable influencers.

There are different types of influencers on globe. Each one is fit for a particular type of campaign. 

You can categorize them as follows.

Brand influencers

Brand influencers are trustworthy, because they know what they are talking about.

Another compelling reason to quote an influence in your press release is because they can open door to new audiences.

This is vital to all businesspersons. 

Brand journalists
These are journalists who have been keeping themselves abreast of what is happening in your domain.
Their key job is to search for stories they can relate to your brand’s audience.

Customers as influencers

Typically, influencer marketing focuses on celebrities or experts to reach a particular type of audience.

The internet has transformed this concept. Today, anyone can wield influence on their area of expertise. And that includes some of your own customers.

To leverage customers as influencers, try to find out who really cares about your product. 

Keep an eye on social channels like Facebook or Twitter where people are likely to discuss your market.
To summarize, even a cheap press release service can do a great job if your story is newsworthy and crafted well.

All that is required is a bit of effort and some knowledge of basics as to what goes into the making of a good press release.
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