A Few Key Pointers To Keep In Mind Before You Undergo Tummy Tuck Surgery

Posted by Sarah Morris
Mar 6, 2021
Tummy tuck surgery also known as abdominoplasty is now becoming increasingly popular in the United States because it creates an abdominal profile that truly makes one look younger.

“A flat and well-toned tummy was something that I was striving for through vigorous workouts and diet control”, says a schoolteacher. “But these approaches never achieved my objectives”.

A protruding tummy is not uncommon. It can be due to any of the following reasons:

  • Ageing
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Pregnancy
  • Prior surgery
  • Substantial variations in weight 

Despite its many benefits here is a caveat. 

“But a tummy tuck surgery is not a substitute for weight loss”, warns a Maryland based cosmetic surgeon. “Patients post-surgery must avoid significant fluctuations in weight loss”. 

This surgery is not meant for everyone. 

You must be reasonably healthy, maintain a stable weight, and must be a non-smoker.

Moreover you must have realistic expectations regarding the outcome of the surgery. 

Like all surgeries, even the best tummy tucks surgeries do have their share of risks.

These can include:

  • Bleeding and infection
  • Risks related to anesthesia
  • Slow healing 
  • Noticeable scarring 
  • Skin discoloration
  • Seroma or fluid build-up 
  • Unacceptable aesthetic outcome 
  • Possibility of requirement of a revision procedure
  • Continuous pain 

But we have to admit that most patients perceive that advantages far outweigh the drawbacks.

A majority of patients say they feel more confident wearing trendy clothes and swimwear.

Some also admit that they have experienced improvements in low back pain post surgery. 

Abdominoplasty is very popular among women, specifically among those who have experienced significant weight loss or have had children.

Many women undergo tummy tuck as part of mommy makeover - an umbrella term for an assortment of plastic surgery procedures that help to restore pre-pregnancy looks. 

Some people believe the procedure is very expensive. 

If you are looking for affordable tummy tuck in Maryland it would do well to speak with those who underwent the surgery.

Typically the price you pay will depend on the complexity of the procedure, the skill level of the doctor, the location of the clinic, and other factors such as operating room expenses, including anesthesia.    

A good aspect of this procedure is you will see the results almost immediately, particularly if you had significant fat prior to the surgery.

But to see complete results you may have to wait for a few weeks.

A point of worry for many people is whether the tummy tuck scar will be noticeable after the procedure.

We must keep in mind that even the best tummy tucks do result in some form of scar. 

But people need not be too worried as the scar is very low on the abdomen, just above the pubic area, and is well concealed by underwear or bathing suit.

Surgeons reassure that although the scar will be permanent it will significantly fade over time. 

The best approach to avoid a highly visible scar is to avoid bending, twisting, or lifting for at least a month or two after the procedure. 
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