A Basic Idea on Resource Consent

Posted by Peter J.
Feb 27, 2015

If you want to know what is resource consent, the kind of activities that needs resource consent, the difference between resource consent and building consent, read this article.

What is resource consent?

Resource consent is basically the authorization given to a few activities or uses of physical and natural resources required under the New Zealand Resource Management Act. Some of the activities can either be authorized specifically by the RMA or be permitted activities authorized by the rules in the plans. Just as council plans vary, need for resource consent even varies from one area to another. If there is any kind of activity that you want to carry out and that is not clearly identified as a permitted or prohibited activity in the plan, it is resource consent that is then needed. There are a number of resource consent consultants in NZ who can help with identifying the type of resource consent that is needed. 

What kind of activities needs a resource content?

Resource consents are basically used for reviewing as well as managing any development, subdivision or other proposed use of a site, which doesn’t comply with the rules of any particular district or a regional plan. Resource consent may be needed for any of these following activities:

  • Removing, working or pruning near any protected tree
  • Subdividing any property
  • Making alterations, additions or building a new home
  • Building a swimming pool
  • Changing property or building usage
  • Discharging storm water or wastewater
  • Moving the earth
  • Changing or drilling a water bore
  • Discharging pollution into air
  • Quarrying
  • Discharging farm waste, sewage or chemicals
  • Building or doing other kinds of activities in coastal marine region
  • Using or taking water from the lakes, rivers and aquifiers
  • Diverting or damming water
  • Chemical as well farm procedures
  • Incinerating, burning or even cremating the outdoors

What is building consent?

A building consent is usually a formal approval that is issued by a building consent authority that some works meet the needs of the New Zealand Building Act, Building Code and the Building Regulations. A building consent is basically needed before you can start the building works. Building works generally include work on connection with alteration, construction, removal or demolition of a building. No building work can be carried out unless there is any building consent.

What’s the difference between a building consent and resource consent?

Getting a building consent is your responsibility as a property owner. But if you want, you can delegate this job to your designer or the builder you’re using as the project manager. The best time to find out about and apply for building consent is before the job goes to the tender. You can even wait until the tenders are in before applying for the consent. However, you may be needed to get a resource consent, for instance if the foundations need major earthworks. This must be sorted out when the plans are actually being drawn.

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