10 Important Skills Every Counsellor Should Have

Posted by Peter J.
Feb 20, 2015

It is very important for counsellors to possess some important skills no matter what professional background they have. To know about those skills, read this article.

In the last ten years, there has been a growth in number of people offering services of counselling in Bondi. Many of these have a professional background in social work, psychology or psychiatry. No matter what the background is, it is very important for a counsellor to have the following skills:

  • A good counselling needs an understanding of self as well as a detailed consciousness of the impact of oneself on the others.

  • A counsellor must be equipped with an advanced listening skill. He or she must be capable of recognizing the different levels of empathy of their responses. It’s important to be able to listen with having an open mind, refrain from the judgmental responses and to check actively with his or her client that the understanding of feelings that are being expressed is right.

  • Counselling demands a method of negotiation as well as problem solving. Thus a crystal clear goal is to be set allowing the client to be able to take proper action in their own life space and even to take blame for consequences of their act.

  • Self disclosure is a very powerful tool, which may be used by a good communicator but when it’s used within constraints of therapeutic encounter, it is to be done with a lot of care.

  • A very well understanding of the intricacies of communication is the basic foundation within development of a useful counselling support. Being able to read, interpret as well as respond in a non-verbal way is important. Use of conscious use of the paralinguistic signals, gestures and postures for pacing a distressed client for emotional self-control are only a few examples of the skills that are essential.

  • Counselling may usually use a conversational style. Once it was pointed out by Eric Berne that there is a lot left if you remove the solemn face as well as big words. The counsellors must not be afraid of the ordinariness.

  • A good counsellor needs to be assertive and must have the ability to confront a client when it’s therapeutically apt. 

  • The professional should be competent enough in their communication to be credible and should be able to self-monitor. They should be able to concentrate their messages so that they’re immediate and refer to the concrete interpersonal matters.

  • The person should be able to recognize the impact of his or her own personal values, self-esteem as well as attitudes and should develop as well as use the ability for modelling his/her behavior for client, which is a potent media for growth as well as change.

  • Finally, the person should be able to supply opinions, data, facts, resources and answers to the questions. He or she must explore with the client any problem that may prevent or delay their change process. And in collaboration with the client must be able to identify the probable solutions as well as alternatives.

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