Exploring New Materials at Composites Exhibitions Worldwide

The composite market of India is fueled by the surge in demand for composites from the thriving pharmaceuticals, food processing and neutraceutical industries due to rising wellness and health trends. Several industries have taken an interest in thermoplastic polymer composites because of their multiple benefits, such as excellent damage resistance, high volume processability, recyclability, capacity to create intricate shapes and fracture toughness. These advanced materials are being utilised on a large scale in multiple sectors, ranging from subway systems to automobiles.
With the extensive use of composites in India, innovations and technologies have been taking place, resulting in new materials. Hence, each composite producer in the market must be well aware of innovations taking place in the field.
Exploring New Materials at ICERP Composites Exhibition
Composites exhibition, like the ICERP, is a major event bringing together multiple composite companies in India on a single platform to upgrade composite technology.
The event is a major platform focusing on the latest material innovations and developments in mechanisation. Moreover, the ICERP conference program will offer updates on composites in regard to process developments, new applications, materials, machinery, and case studies. Not only will you learn about the newest innovations and developments, but you will also get a great opportunity to represent your capabilities on a global scale, meet and connect with international players to experience new business opportunities, and source your requirement of process machinery, composites, materials, and composites products.