SexPally clarifies Premature Birth vs Premature Baby

Posted by Akin Chaktty
15 hours ago

Premature Birth

Pregnancy resulting in birth that occurs between the 37th and 42nd weeks is considered full term.

A baby takes its full development between 9 to 10 months.

So preterm birth occurs before the 37th week, and the baby is considered premature, especially when it's below 36 weeks or 9 months, chaktty said.

The high-risk group includes women who have already had miscarriages, two or more abortions, kidney disease, and women with premature placental abruption and placenta previa.

However, these are just some of the cases, and others have no apparent reason.

These are the symptoms that you should take seriously and discuss with your doctor immediately you notice them.

  • Seizures, whether it's menstrual, persistent, or occasional.

  • A feeling of heaviness and pressure on the rectum.

  • The lower back pain

  • Profuse discharge, sometimes with blood.

  • Weak or strong discharge of amniotic fluid from the vagina.

Premature Baby

A premature foetus is a medical term meaning that the foetus is smaller according to the standard size of its age.

It's a dangerous situation as babies with low birth weight are at increased risk of developing medical complications, healthpally 2010.

Finding a low-weight condition in time will help the child to have all the essentials. 

That is why you shouldn't skip regular medical checkups.

Possible reasons for the underdevelopment are the following

  • smoking or alcohol

  • Poor nutrition

  • Chronic or acute diseases such as diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, anemia, kidney disease

  • Multiple pregnancies1qq

  • A short time between pregnancies

  • Impaired placental functioning

  • Severe vomiting or nausea after the third month

  • Deformation of the uterus or fetus

In case of detection of the developmental delay in time, it's necessary to eat healthily and eliminate all risk factors, chaktty advised.

In some cases, bed rest or even hospitalisation may be required, so that the expectant mother could get nutrient-rich meals and necessary medical treatment.

In the late stages, if the foetus isn't growing, a doctor will stimulate labour or perform the caesarean section.



Consulting your doctor in time could help prevent premature birth. The baby's chances of survival and good health increase with each day spent in the womb.

Bed rest is recommended. If there are signs of labour, the doctor will give particular drugs that stop contractions.

Premature birth is not an indication for caesarean section. However, it's still preferable at gestational age up to 32 weeks, because it makes it easier for the child to adapt after birth.

Thanks to modern medicine, a child born after the 28th week has a 95% chance of survival, according to SexPally. 

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