How To Reduce Anxiety Symptoms With Vagus Nerve Stimulation & HRV Exercises

Posted by PRC Agency
3 hours ago

From general anxiety and panic attacks to phobias or PTSD, anxiety is swiftly becoming an epidemic in the US.

Discover the alternative drug-free, non-invasive treatment for anxiety that could save you $$$ on anti-anxiety meds at   

Anxiety: America’s State    

Did you know that there’s an estimated 31.1% of Americans who suffer from anxiety at some point in their lives (National Institute of Mental Health) and are seeking an alternative treatment for their condition? 

The unsettling fact is that the majority of those living with an anxiety disorder remain untreated. While a small percentage may receive some kind of therapy, an even greater number rely on medication to manage their anxiety attacks. That’s a daily dose of drug cocktail just to function like a normal human being.

Since these anti-anxiety medications are super expensive and can cause a number of unwanted side effects, why shouldn’t we focus on the alternative drug-free treatments? Isn’t there a safe, low-cost option that could help reduce the severity of symptoms and frequency of anxiety attacks for patients?

Anxiety’s Link To The Vagus Nerve    

Well, the good news is that there is!

Wellness tech leaders, Pulsetto, have looked into it and their researchers found that the majority of anxiety disorders often result from an overactive sympathetic nervous system, which triggers the fight-or-flight response. 

Clinical studies showed that stimulating the vagus nerve promotes a calming effect on the body, which can help to balance neurotransmitters such as serotonin and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) - which are often out of balance in individuals with anxiety disorders.

So, put simply, vagus nerve stimulation can help reduce your anxiety!

Vagus Nerve Stimulation: How-To Guide    

Pulsetto’s recently published research suggests several ways to stimulate the vagus nerve. They include:

  • Deep breathing drills (slow, controlled breathing in and out)
  • Cold water exposure (like splashing your face with tap water), 
  • Singing or humming (because it keeps you breathing deep and the vibrations further stimulate the nerve).

Also known as heart rate variability (HRV) exercises, these techniques have been shown to influence the nervous system with varying degrees of success. However, for consistent, reliable results, Pulsetto recommends using a dedicated vagus nerve stimulation device that uses low-intensity electric pulses to stimulate the nerve.

Treating anxiety through vagus nerve stimulation using a quality device like Pulsetto’s vagus nerve stimulator, which is both FCC and CE certified, is considered safe for most users. However, those with underlying health conditions should consult with a medical professional before using their VNS device. 

If you’re interested in trying vagus nerve stimulation for yourself, visit Pulsetto at   

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