Banner on the Internet

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4 days ago

A banner on the Internet is a graphic form of conveying informational or advertising content, often being a link to the website of the promoted product.

One type of banner is an interactive expand banner, which expands when you hover over it with the mouse cursor. The maximum dimensions are usually 468 × 240 pixels.
Effective Internet banner

The features that characterize an effective banner are:

An eye-catching, original look, standing out from the entire page.
Concise content, forcing the viewer to interact - containing questions and accurate, but short statements, ordering the Internet user to immediately take specific actions. No unnecessary information.
If the banner is animated (e.g. GIF), the length of the animation should be short so that the viewer does not get bored with it and does not stop watching before the end.
The banner download time cannot be long, it is best for the ad to be no larger than about 20 kB.
It should have specific dimensions (depending on the chosen banner exchange system) - therefore, when creating a banner, it is a good idea to make it in several standard sizes.

Standard banner sizes

There are many standards for banner sizes. The unit of measurement is a pixel.

The European Interactive Advertising Association (EIAA) and the Interactive Advertising Bureau in Europe (IAB Europe) have established the following standard banner formats (most popular formats in bold):

Rectangles and Pop-Ups

180 × 150 (Rectangle)
240 × 400 (Vertical Rectangle)
250 × 250 (Square Pop-Up)
300 × 250 (Medium Rectangle)
336 × 280 (Large Rectangle)

Banners and Buttons

88 × 31 (Micro Bar)
120 × 90 (Button 1)
120 × 60 (Button 2)
120 × 240 (Vertical Banner)
125 × 125 (Square Button)
234 × 60 (Half Banner)
468 × 60 (Full Banner)
728 × 90 (Leaderboard/Super Banner)


120 × 600 (Skyscraper)
160 × 600 (Wide Skyscraper)
300 × 600 (Half Page Ad)

Other formats

80 × 15 (Antipixel)
350 × 19 (Userbar)

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