How to Make Your Car Served in Such a Way That It Never Fails MOT

Posted by AG Tyres
4 days ago

Is there anything more frustrating than failing your MOT test? You take your car in thinking everything's fine only to get that call saying it has failed and now you have a list of costly repairs. Would you believe there's a way to virtually guarantee your car will sail through the MOT every time? The secret's not just in the care and regular servicing of your car.

In this blog, we go deep into how regular servicing prevents MOT failure, saves you money in the long run, and keeps your vehicle running sweet. It's not just routine checks, but a way of "servicing with an MOT in mind." 

Why Do So Many Cars Fail the MOT?

Let's first understand why cars fail the MOT. In order to understand why cars fail the MOT, some key areas checked by the MOT test on your car include brakes, lights, suspension, and most importantly, emissions.

Most faults come down to things that would have shown up easily and been corrected at a routine service, such as worn tyres or blown bulbs. Indeed, over 30% of MOT failures in the UK are because of simple problems that could have been sorted beforehand.

Why wait for an MOT failure, really, when servicing regularly could catch these problems for you?

How to Service Your Car and Stay Away from Failing at the MOT

The only way to ever pass an MOT test is when your car is in its perfect condition long before it's due for any test. And the best time for that is when making a service to coincide with your test date. Here's how you do it

1. Get Your Service Scheduled About a Month or Two Before Your MOT

This is the number one trick that most motorists forget. If your service is due just around your MOT date, do not take it after the MOT. You should book a service a month or two prior to your MOT. Why?

Early Detection of problems: Servicing beforehand will allow you to pick some potential problems that may lead to an MOT failure.

Enough time for repairs: If your mechanic has identified an issue during the service, you have enough time to correct that before it gets to MOT without rushing.

Less stress: A well-serviced car gives you peace of mind going into the MOT.

2. Focus on the Areas That Cause the Most MOT Failures

Not every part of your car is equally at risk of causing an MOT failure. 

Lights and signals: More than 18% of MOT failures result from failing lights or indicators.

Brakes: Inspect your brake pads, discs, and fluid. Ten percent of failures are caused by brake malfunctions.

Tyres: Worn tyres or misuse of tyre pressure account for the lion's share of failures.

Suspension: One of the most expensive jobs, but failure would definitely fail the test.

Your service technician will be more than aware of these common failure points and will check these out for you.

Common Failure Points to Check as part of a Service

When you book your service, make sure your mechanic checks these major areas. Now let's take a closer look at each.

1. Lights and Indicators

You would never think that the humble bulbs in your car could result in it failing its MOT. Oh but they can. A blown bulb or a dodgy indicator can mean a pass right out. Do this:

  • Check all lights regularly (headlamp, brake light, indicators, fog light).
  • Replace blown bulbs once you spot them.
  • Clean your lights before your MOT-dirt and grime can make them appear dimmer.

2. Tyres

MOT failure on tyres is far too common, and it usually comes down to lack of attention. You should:

  • Check the tread depth regularly. The legal minimum in the UK is 1.6mm, but it's safer to change them at around 2mm.
  • Check for cracks or bulges. 
  • Check tyre pressure. Tyres that are either under- or over-inflated can also guarantee a failure in the test.

3. Brakes

Your car brakes are your safety feature, and failures within this system can quickly lead to an MOT failure, especially when your mechanic checks;

  • Brake pads and brake discs for signs of wear.
  • Brake fluid levels to confirm that they are at the full level and not leaking.
  • Brake response time to confirm they react without hesitation.

Some Easy Self-Tests Before Your MOT

  • Check your indicators, brake lights, and headlights 
  • Check tyres. Look for damage, bulges, or cracks along with depth
  • Windscreen wipers, if they are smearing instead of clearing water
  • Screen wash, oil, and brake fluid levels are up to par


In reality, failing an MOT in Birmingham isn't a headache which necessarily needs to happen time and again. With a bit of planning, for example, by making advance bookings for Car Service Birmingham, paying attention to particular areas where failures are common, and even by checking sometimes yourself, the possibilities of such failure are significantly reduced.

Prevention is always a better cure for the situation. A well-maintained car is less likely to fail the MOT Birmingham test, thus saving you from any uncertain repair bill down the line. Who doesn't dislike the frustrating experience of failing an MOT? Then why wait? Take the initiative, and ensure your vehicle is maintained at the best level possible always.

Working with a good garage and keeping up on scheduled maintenance, of course, is going to get you a long way so that never again do you fail another MOT Birmingham.

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