7 Reasons Why You Should Not Buy Cheap Tyres

Posted by AG Tyres
Oct 9, 2024

We won’t deny that maintaining a vehicle can be a costly affair and buying Cheap Tyres Birmingham sometimes feels the right thing to do. Well, it might sound right in the beginning, but there are plenty of cons of doing so. Remember, saving money is a very good idea but saving at the cost of your safety is not something we recommend. It also might sound less costly in the short-run but when we look at it in the long-run, it’s very expensive in that sense. These are just some of the insights why buying a cheap tyre is an absolute bad idea. 

In this blog, we will unfold 7 major reasons why you should not or sometimes never buy cheap tyres. Read each point very carefully and make a wise and informed choice. 

Why Refrain From Buying Cheap Tyres?

Though it might sound very tempting to go for cheap tyres rather than expensive ones, understand below why you should stay away from such deals.   

There’s No or Very Less Resale Value

When you make bigger and better investments, there’s always that direction of reselling in your mind, right? Well, you never know when that need comes. But if you have cheap tyres to resell, sorry to say you are going to get none. They are cheap and people willing to buy them always have that less money factor in their mind. Either they are willing to pay none or an extremely less amount that’s no value for money. 

On the flip side, if you have a better-branded tyre, the resale value is going to be better than somewhere that covers the amount you had to pay in the beginning. 

There are Fewer Safety Features

It’s a well-known fact that when you pay less, you get less. In the case of tyres, when you pay less or go for cheaper ones, the number of safety features keeps coming down, and that’s where you should, for sure, take a step back. While driving, safety should always be your top priority, so why go for the cheaper ones? 

Invest a decent amount in the beginning, and have complete peace of mind. Money is not above your safety, right? 

No One is Accountable for Anything

The best part about going for premium, high-value tyres is that they offer a good guarantee period that ensures you don’t have to pay anything for a limited period of time. And that guarantee period is quite attractive. 

When it comes to cheap tyres, nobody is accountable for even a month. That means even if something happens to the tyre the very next day, you are only left with the option of getting yourself another pair of tyres. The shop where you got it from holds no accountability. 

Fast Wear & Tear

One of the major differences between a cheap and premium tyre is their wear and tear duration. There’s a major difference in when the cheap tyres get to wear and tear, and there's a need to discard them quickly for all safety reasons. 

On the other hand, good and branded tyres have a good reputation for delayed wear and tear with an exceptional prolonged performance. 

This is the reason why many regret buying cheap tyres and never thought of buying them again. 

It Can Be An Issue For Other Parts of the Car 

Tyres are a very important part of your car and they have a major impact on the overall performance. If by any chance, the condition of the tyres is not on point, it’s going to have a straining impact on other parts of the car, which is a major issue. Using cheap tyres for braking and acceleration puts a constant strain on them, which increases the danger of damage to other parts of your car.

It’s Expensive in the Long Run

Well, it might sound like a good deal in the beginning, but when you start to carry the baggage, it comes out to be even more expensive. The price of paying for one cheap tyre can be heavy if other parts get affected due to how those tyres perform and impact. 

Therefore, invest wisely in the beginning, and get the benefits in the long run.

They Can Mess the Overall Look

Though cheap tyres necessarily don't look bad, it’s also physiological that cheap tyres fitted in your brand new or new vehicle might not feel good.  For that peace of mind, investing in a good set of tyres is a good idea. 

Well, we hope we have given enough convincing reasons here as to why you should not go for Cheap Tyres Birmingham. From less resale value, less safety, fast wear & tear, and more, you should take your time and invest in a set of tyres that gives you a high value for money.  


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