Want to buy Abiraterone price in Malaysia at the lowest price?

Posted by bonito Farmacia
Sep 30, 2024

What are the warnings for abiraterone?

There are several important warnings and precautions for abiraterone:

Adrenal insufficiency: It can cause adrenal insufficiency, which may require hormone replacement therapy. Patients should be monitored for symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, or low blood pressure and Abiraterone Price in Malaysia.

Hepatotoxicity: Liver function should be monitored, as abiraterone can cause liver damage. Dose adjustments or discontinuation may be needed due to increased liver enzymes.

Hypertension: It can cause hypertension, so regular blood pressure monitoring is a must.

Hypokalemia: Abiraterone can cause low potassium levels, which should also be monitored.

Pregnancy and nursing: It is not recommended for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding due to potential harm to the fetus or infant.

Drug interactions: Abiraterone may interact with other medications, so it is important to inform your healthcare provider about all medications you are taking.

Always consult your healthcare provider for specific advice and monitoring while taking abiraterone.

Does abiraterone cause high cholesterol?

Yes, abiraterone can cause high cholesterol levels in some patients. It is important to monitor lipid levels during treatment, as significant increases may require management. If you are taking abiraterone, your healthcare provider may check your cholesterol and lipid levels regularly and discuss any necessary lifestyle changes or treatments to manage them. Always keep them informed of any changes you notice.

Does abiraterone affect blood pressure?

Yes, abiraterone can affect blood pressure, often leading to high blood pressure (hypertension) in some patients. Regular monitoring of blood pressure is recommended while taking this medication. If you experience significant changes in blood pressure, it is important to inform your healthcare provider, as they may need to adjust your treatment or manage your blood pressure with medication or lifestyle changes and Zytiga Price Malaysia.

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