How Much Does Development Cost for Beauty Salon Mobile App?

Posted by Dreamer Technoland
Sep 3, 2024

In the fast-paced world of quick commerce, everyone wants reliable solutions to be delivered to their doorsteps at an affordable rate. The same thing goes with a beauty application as everyone nowadays wants the services to be booked with a click. It is only possible with the help of on demand beauty services app development that facilitates your customer with the power to book services on the go. In this blog, we will discuss the total cost involved in the development of an on demand beauty salon application. 

Cost Involved in Each Step of on Demand Beauty App Development

The cost of on demand beauty services app development can vary significantly based on several factors, including app complexity, platform, design, and development team location. Here's a breakdown of potential costs for each development stage:    

  1. Market Research and Planning
    • Cost: $5,000 - $10,000
    • Includes: Understanding the target market, competitor analysis, business model development, and feature prioritization is essential for beauty services app development
  2. UI/UX Design
    • Cost: $10,000 - $25,000
    • Includes: Creating the app's visual design, user interface, and user experience to ensure a seamless user journey with the help of salon app development company
  3. App Development
    • Cost: $50,000 - $150,000
    • Includes: Building the app's core functionalities, such as user registration, service provider onboarding, appointment booking, payment integration, and push notifications. 
  4. App Development for Beauty Professionals
    • Cost: $10,000 - $30,000
    • Includes: Developing a separate app for beauty professionals with features like appointment management, customer profiles, and earnings tracking. 
  5. Testing and Quality Assurance
    • Cost: $5,000 - $15,000
    • Includes: Rigorous testing to identify and fix bugs, ensuring app performance and reliability with the assistance of salon app development company
  6. Deployment and Launch
    • Cost: $2,000 - $5,000
    • Includes: App store submission, marketing, and initial launch activities. 
  7. Ongoing Maintenance and Support

Additional Costs

  • Cloud Infrastructure: Hosting the app on a cloud platform like AWS, GCP, or Azure.
  • Payment Gateway Integration: Setting up payment processing.
  • Marketing and Advertising: Promoting the app to acquire users.
  • Legal and Licensing: Covering legal and licensing fees. 

Total Cost: The total cost for on demand beauty services app development can range from $100,000 to $300,000 or more, depending on the complexity and features. 

Note: These are estimated costs of computer software for beauty salons can vary significantly based on the specific requirements of your project, the location of the development team, and the chosen technology stack. 

Factors Affecting App Development Cost

Complexity of the App

  • Basic App: Includes features like appointment booking, service listings, and customer profiles. Cost: $35,000 to $120,000.
  • Average App: Offers additional features like online payments, loyalty programs, and push notifications in the on demand beauty services app development. Cost: $120,000 to $200,000.
  • Complex App: Includes advanced features like AR/VR, live streaming, and integration with other platforms. Cost: $200,000 to $350,000+. 


  • iOS and Android: Developing for both platforms will typically double the cost compared to developing for a single platform.
  • Cross-platform development: Using frameworks like React Native or Flutter can reduce costs for on demand beauty services app development but might compromise performance or features. 

Design and User Experience (UX)

  • Complex designs: Elaborate designs and intricate user interfaces increase beauty services app development time and cost.
  • User testing: Iterative design and testing to enhance user experience can add to the overall cost. 

Development Team

  • In-house vs. Outsourcing: Building an in-house team is costly but provides more control. Outsourcing can be more affordable but might involve communication challenges.
  • Developer Location: Costs for on demand beauty services app development vary significantly based on the location of the development team. 

Additional Features

  • Integrations: Integrating with payment gateways, social media platforms, and other third-party services adds to the cost.
  • Marketing and Launch: Costs for app store optimization, marketing campaigns, and user acquisition. 

Consult with a development firm to know about the total cost to build a B2B ecommerce website


It's essential to consider these factors when estimating the development cost of your beauty salon app. Additionally, cost also plays a vital role in the whole development process therefore, you also need to align a fixed budget to avoid any kind of overspending. We would strongly suggest you consult with the experts at Dreamer Technoland to avoid any budgeting issue and know the best technology for ecommerce website

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