7 Highlights Of A Technical Writing Course Syllabus! Understand The Specifics

Jan 12, 2018

If you are planning to undertake a technical writing course, you need to understand what it is about before committing to  it. Every course should encompassthe following:

Technical Writing?

The start of the course will explain what technical writing is all about. It explains how a technical writer works in the industry, and about the pros and cons of following a career in technical writing, as a whole.

Why choose Technical Writing?

This component should simply explain the benefits of choosing technical writing. What kind of opportunities exist, what is the value of the industry, what are the challenges that a person might face and what are the skills that a person will need will be some of the specifics. Technical communication also deals with a variety of subjects like writing for the web, desktop publishing and graphic design.

What is the role of a Technical Writer?

This segment tells the participants about the different roles that might be available after theyhave successfully undertaken  the course. In short, it tells them about the different technical writing services that industry and businesses need and prepares themfor working in the industry. It explains that there is not just one way of pursing the career but a variety of paths and specialities. They will need to have a good understanding of the industry to be able to pursue their desired ambition in the technical writing sector.

Principles of Technical Writing

Like any other vocation  there are strong principles on which technical writing relies to meet minimum requirements and deliver the expectations of clients.  The participants  need to know the key principles before pursuing the vocation.

Technical Writing Process

The process of technical writing follows a few basic steps: it may start with information gathering, to drafting, to managing the author review process, and proofreading, layout, document management to production and delivery. There are a lot of processes that need to be understood above the simple writing task.  It is important to have an overview of all thetasks needed to become a good writer.

Grammar and Editing

Every type of content needs to be error-free. The basic rules of grammar are taught in this segment, where the participants may learnsyntax, plain English, modern usage, punctuation and perhaps evenproofreading mark-up. It is important to understand the quirkiness of English to deliver high-quality content to clients.

Popular Technical Writing Tools

This is often the last chapter of any course, where the participants are made familiar with the common tools used in developing and delivering high-quality, error-free content. Understanding spell-checkers, desk-top design packages, social media platforms and web publishing tools can be important topics included in many courses.


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