5 tips on how to be a successful tender writer

Aug 14, 2018
The role of a tender writer is a challenging one: to create convincing narrative content and other supporting technical information as well as perhaps providing other tender writing services, such as pricing and documentation. The content needs to communicate technical information in a comprehensible way but also convince the readers of the merits of your company against competitors.
What are the skills that every tender writer must possess if they want to win? Here are some tips:

Start with the basics

Before you start writing incredible content, you will need at least an intermediate understanding of the basic principles of writing. By getting enrolled in a tender writing course, you can learn all about writing for tenders. Another good place to start is to analyse winning tender proposals and learning from the styles in which they have been prepared.

Engage the audience

Getting the information you need from the client organisation is not always easy. There are times when you will feel more like an investigative reporter than a tender writer—having to ask a lot of questions from a lot of people to get an accurate answer. There may be  a lot of information but your client man not always be the best at communicating what you need to know and identifying what you do not need. Getting your audience actively involved in owning the output can help improve the quality of your document and ensure it is fit for purpose.

Dissect writing that you admire

Technical writing is different to creative writing. It is more precise in its descriptions and avoids abstract expressions, emphasisers and flowery adjectives. However good technical writing (like creative writing) is at its best when it is not noticed. If the writing is focuses on meaning and purpose it is most effective.
Technical writing is similar in writing style to that found in non-fiction. So find a selection of non-fiction books and analyse the style of writing for guidance in how technical writing may read (e.g. Niall Ferguson’s Civilisation, or Modern English Usage by H.W. Fowler)

Keep it concise

Concise language is always important in tender writing. In addition to using plain English; short sentences and well-structured paragraphs, liberla use of headings and avoidance of jargon, will result in clear and accurate communication to get the point across effectively.

The ability to write concisely is essential for every kind of technical writing, including tender writing. Keep your main communication goal in mind and stay focused on what readers need to know using as few words as possible.

Conveying information graphically

The written word is just one element of tender documentation. Most people absorb information visually so being able to create graphics, diagrams, photos and other visual devices can complement text to make things more easily understood.
Good luck

Whether you are new to tender writing or a “hardened” professional  these tips will help you get better at writing tenders. The key is to always focus on the end goal of your document and your readers’ requirements.

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