3 Business Collaboration Tools for Small Business

Posted by Chris John
May 30, 2019
Today, there is nothing that can’t be done on the cloud. The same rule also applies to small businesses. Here are three business collaboration tools that cost you less, but so much more. 

Business Collaboration Tools 

1. Podio: It is rapidly emerging as the go-to collaboration tool for a new generation of knowledge workers. Podio was originally a Danish startup, but it was acquired by Citrix later on. It was designed to eliminate excessive emailing. The structure of Podio is also relatively very simple. You just have to invite employees into Podio’s internal communication network, create a number of workspaces in which they can collaborate. In this business collaboration tool, you can admit outsiders on a workspace-by-workspace basis, thus keep them out of the broader employee network. 

2. Hackpad: This tool is a dead-simple wiki manager that can be mastered in a matter of minutes. Within a few steps, you can create your wiki. You can invite collaborators or leave it open to the public to edit. Then, click the (+) button to create a new document. Hackpad is a very simple, intuitive and well-organized tool. And if you want to get fancy, then you can use it to create checklists, write code in a communal development environment, or drop in videos or pictures. 

3. Bitrix24: Today, social networking is very popular and savvy businesses are considering a Facebook-like system for their workers. But, that needs to be private. This is because you can’t have them updating their resumes on LinkedIn all day when they should be doing their jobs. Although Yammer has long been the standard for private social networks, another business collaboration tool, named Bitrix24, is also worth a spin. It is less expensive and has some extra features. 

In the beginning, it looks like your standard social network that offers each user a news feed/activity stream, messaging, private conversations and photo galleries. PacBitrix24 has also integrated project management features. 

So, these are the three best business collaboration tools that are very useful for even small businesses. Are you using any one tool among these? Or, your company is using any other business collaboration tool? Share with us in the comment section
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