Why I came to the decision of becoming a Network Marketer

Posted by Elizabeth Horlemann
May 28, 2011
Image Some years ago I was approached by my then brother-in-law to join his MLM business selling cleaning cleaning materials.  I thought, oh dear I do not want to be assimilated to the German culture! Cleaning.... not for me.  He was very successful, but still I could not see myself just joining his business.  I then narrowed down everything to how I dislike MLM business.

One day I came across an Ad. looking for distributors for cosmetic and beauty products. I thought, ghee that sounds good.  I was looking for a second line of trade and I thought, Elizabeth, that is what you can do in order to increase your income. Cosmetic and Perfumes, who does not want to look and smell nice (especially ladies wanting to enhance their beauty).  It was not until I contacted my upline did I realise that the business was based on a network marketing concept - too late I was on the hook.  Guess what it felt like - great :)

I went on acquired marketing and training skills which I needed to develop my business.  Being a trainer and a speaker it was not difficult for me to recruit more distributors and to grow my business.  So I wondered why the hell did I refuse to join my brother-in-law's business to begin with? Well the answer is very simple:

  1. The product:  It is very important that you can relate to the product.  You can testify for the product.  Yes you can refer the product as you are satisfied with it.  Network Marketing is referral business and we are continuously referring products and services.  Be it a good doctor, lawyer, your best boutique and so on.
  2. Transparency: I came across so many MLM business and oh I forgot to mention I actually did try one, but I did not really understand how the business was structured, payment scheme, be it for the profits or for the bonsus.  This must be open and understandable for everybody involved in the business.
  3. Training and support to develop:  The training program should be uptodate and also it should move with the market.  There is nothing bad like you are selling a product and the company itself is not represented in the social media network where all referral business are taking place.
  4. Finally the registration, capital layout and marketing policy must be comfortable so that people do not run into incurring debts.  I have known people who joined MLM businesses and have run into debts because they were not able to meet the business requirements.  They were being forced to purchase and hold stock of products which they could obsivously not sell at the speed required!
Now I hope I have made you curious about what business trade I am into and hopefully my inbox will now be flooded with your queries. :)
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Comments (26)
Elizabeth Ratnik


yeah, that's a very good example to use with a certain crowd to explain network marketing. Another great example of network marketing is where you invite friends over for a meal and your friends tell their friends that you're a great cook. One of your friends love your cooking to the point where they want to open their house up and that friend invites their friends to their house to taste your cooking. They love your cooking and two people from that party want to have you over to their house

May 30, 2011 Like it
Elizabeth Horlemann

Internet Marketing Consultant

That's a great one example Good-Work. I will copy it and use it.

May 29, 2011 Like it
Roger N.

internet marketing

Different perspective on the matter

I found this at other social networking site, quote it here
(I add up no 6):

1. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and say, "I'm fantastic in bed"
(That's Direct Marketing)

2. You're at a party with a bunch of friends & see a gorgeous girl. One of your friends goes up to her & pointing at you says,
"He's fantastic in bed"
(That's Marketing)

3. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and get her telephone number

May 29, 2011 Like it
Elizabeth Horlemann

Internet Marketing Consultant

Teodor you are right. In every line of trade that we do from doctors to teachers, network marketers to distributors we all need to acquire good skills in order to be successful. Getting the right product and learning to market are a challenge, but again manageable. I wish you all the best for you and your business.

May 29, 2011 Like it
Vinicius M.


I agree with Elizabeth about network marketing as a choice, but if you do not choose the right company and do not learn well the strategies then no way to be a winner just because you love that product! This is my experience with at least 5 MLM top companies!!! also, you must be a very good company and product Preacher, and I am not! so, I felt in doing biz but enjoy their products... some are excellent products, very good for my health.
Wish you all success!

May 29, 2011 Like it
Elizabeth Horlemann

Internet Marketing Consultant

Lisa Gansky wrote in her book "The Mesh" Why the Future of Business is Sharing. Network Marketing is a referral business where we are sharing and refering products and services. This can only be done if you are familiar with the product. The fire in you will be felt by those you are talk to about the product/service. I find it is more authentic to give ones personal experience.

May 28, 2011 Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

I hope many members see how awesome the feedback is at APSense when we take the time to write a very good article, with a headline that gets attention :)

May 28, 2011 Like it
Elizabeth Horlemann

Internet Marketing Consultant

Mike, that's the magic and road to success. Very true!

May 28, 2011 Like it
Mike Lowry, D.O.

Rastelli Direct IBP

Well said Elizabeth! You have to believe in your product in order to be successful at promoting it.

May 28, 2011 Like it
Elizabeth Horlemann

Internet Marketing Consultant

Hi Steve, yes that is true, and I hope that you are also experiencing the same in your market niche. Cheers

May 28, 2011 Like it
Steve Baric

Great business if you can work it. Too bad so many people don't get it, and just start begging everyone they know to join under them :( Looks like you've got the right idea right out of the gate!

May 28, 2011 Like it
Elizabeth Horlemann

Internet Marketing Consultant

pplchery163 that is right. If you hop from one product to the other, all you manage to achieve is frustration and inevitably lack of success. I enjoy training and selling beauty products and my formulars are very simple: We are all beauty and all we do is to enhance our beauty using high quality and affordable products and the second one is on the business opportunity aspect: "Most of us go through life as failures, because we are waiting for the "time to be right" to start doing something wo

May 28, 2011 Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

Bienvenue, Elizabeth :)

May 28, 2011 Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

Very good point, Cheryl. I discovered recently that it becomes natural and easy to promote something when you're really excited about it, otherwise, chances are, it will show that you're just trying to push something down people's throats.

May 28, 2011 Like it
Elizabeth Horlemann

Internet Marketing Consultant

Thanks Philippe. I am glad that people are enjoying reading the article and I hope that it is a source of inspiration to everybody in which ever stage they are in. Merci

May 28, 2011 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

I have to say that you hit on the very thing that causes most people to fail at MLM-they cannot relate to or do not believe in the product. It's not the concept itself. Many people jump from one MLM to the next trying to sell products that they personally don't believe in.

You can't just jump into an MLM because you know someone that is in it.

May 28, 2011 Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

More and more I see real articles like this one, instead of short one-paragraph articles that was too often the case. Awesome! Keep on writing, Elizabeth :)

May 28, 2011 Like it
Mohann Krish

You have a clear approach to network marketing. Such real life experiences help others to have faith in the system and put efforts to succeed. Thank you for this valuable article.

May 28, 2011 Like it
Elizabeth Horlemann

Internet Marketing Consultant

Ben True and to the point. Thanks for sharing and enhancing my article. Cheers

May 28, 2011 Like it
Elizabeth Ratnik


the biggest prerequisite to success in any network marketing company is truly believing that your company's product line is the absolute best product of it's kind on the marketplace.

The next prerequisite is to believe in the compensation plan and the leadership of the company and/or your upline.

May 28, 2011 Like it
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