1st Photo of my Crocheting Projects

Posted by Jan aka Jaz Green
Jan 10, 2011

Yesterday Storm 2011 arrived in Decatur, GA. 

I was sleep when the first snowflakes arrived; woke

up around midnight & thought it was dusk dawn.


Everything was covered in about 4 inches of snow.

I tried to take photos; however, had to wait til daylight.



This is an arrangement I made around  10:30am EST.


Showing off some of my afgans and pillow covers.


This is the 1st public share of my crocheting projects.


The largest item, took three years to complete.  It is my

son's (Marvin) oversized afgan.  Completed it just in time

for his high school graduation gift :)

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Comments (7)
Jan aka Jaz Green

Yes, Nuning, three years. My son injured his knee, which 1st motivated me to start his project; we spent many weeks in physical therapy. He healed well; then the injured the other knee a tad over a year later ~~ the 2nd knee injury was more critical than the 1st. He was wheel-chair bound for over a month. No surgery was needed; but again ... many weeks in physical therapy. This is why his afgan is oversized. I made many squares in the three-year time span.

Thank You vectorsmooth, I am on my w

Jun 6, 2011 Like it
Sanjita Nanda

SEO SR.Expert

I like this valuable concept. I visited your site for the first time as well as just been your fan. Maintain posting as I am gonna come to learn it every week.

May 5, 2011 Like it
Nuning Mardiningsih

3 years to complete? wow! really admire your patience and persistence, jaz4u.

Apr 24, 2011 Like it
Jan aka Jaz Green

Yes, I still network online. Face-to-face; is where real cash flow in South, GA. Fortunate to have young adults who have lots of associates (music/entertainment/pro-sports/recreation sports/ ...) which helps extend my opportunity for sales.

Mature adults, still like Watkins or Blair Products; young adults like electronic gadgets .... so far, none like publishing on the Internet not even TWEETS. Several have facebook account and will accept friend invitaions; however, only post to their page

Feb 3, 2011 Like it
Karen W.

I live in anderson,sc.so i no about the snow.It was very unusual for us.We never get snow.We may get some ice,maybe,but that's it.It was nice,though.my granddaughters had a time in it.And they got a nice school vacation out of it.Now they have got to figure out when they will have to make it up.
Do you work online?I quit work in 2001 to keep my granddaugters.Both are in school now,So I have a few hours in the morning,before I have to pick them up in school.I live in anderson and they go to belt

Jan 30, 2011 Like it
Jan aka Jaz Green

Thanks for visitng Bretay, I am crocheting small rainbow pillows(those three round ones atop of the large afghan-right side) to sell at 'flea market' fund-raisers. Snow in South Georgia was an unusual event. We were happy when it snowed on Christmas Day; however, the January snow storm crippled communities across the state. It worked for me, because I network daily and have gained a momentum of making new connections .. via sharing articles I publish on-line :)

Jan 30, 2011 Like it
Karen W.

I like the arrangements of your projects.Cool,love the background.I also crochet and knit,mostly for all my family.

Jan 16, 2011 Like it
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