Honesty, Please! Are You Fast Approaching The Point Where DESPERATION Is All That You've Got???

Posted by Jeff Greene
Dec 6, 2010
 Yeah, Yeah, Yeah...

 You've spent countless hours sitting in front of a computer's monitor,  wondering when it's gonna be your turn to "Get Rich Quick..."

 You look out of the window and say out loud, "Just what the heck is so WRONG about my dreams, hopes and aspirations, that the whole entire WORLD seems to be ignoring me? "

 And suddenly, it dawns on you that somewhere somehow there's got to be a better way, but because you have just spent 25 hours staring at your "dead " Social Network community blogs, you simply fall asleep from exhaustion-- hitting your head on the keyboard with a resounding "call the repair shop" THUD...

 Well, your now throbbing noggin managed to hit just the right combination of letters, and you are now angrily staring at a website called DESPERATE DOLLARS... yes, that's right DESPERATE DOLLARS!

( DESPERATE DOLLARS and I have no affiliations what-so-ever, this website was featured in an issue of fast company magazine, and I thought that it was such a great idea that I would write about it here...)

 Even if you would never consider selling ANY OF YOUR BODY PARTS for cash, you might just be able to gain some ideas about how to proceed with your business plans!

 Here's one idea that I gained while looking at the website... Most people probably don't have a clue about many of the optional ways that an income way be had in especially tight times.

 Create a NEWSLETTER or an editorial type feature for yourself and/or your local newspaper...

 There are a lot of folks who have founded a surprising new job for themselves, simply because they are able to be a resourceful consultant for those in need...

 You must not allow your experiences- good or bad,  to go to waste!

 There are countless Relationship Consultants who are making a good living right now, because they learned to use and share their experiences with those who are in need...

 DESPERATION is not a thing to be feared, in fact, if it is understood properly, it can and WILL power up your business actions to greater heights! :)

2 people like it
Comments (6)
Jeff Greene

Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant

You have just accurately described the "Downward Spiral " for folks who have not learned exactly what habitually remaining in a state of fear and desperation can do to a Life, JFB! :)

Thanks for your positive Wisdom and insights, as always! :)

Dec 8, 2010 Like it
Joseph Botelho

Working on one project at a time.

Hey Jeff,

You a very good writer as always a little sense of humor with important content writing in a mild and easy to follow fashion. Yes people do get desperate when it comes to making money times at the moment are hard, economy is not booming, lost of jobs on daily base, prices keep going up and all the negative news one can stomach in a day. Then you go home and hear it all over again...

But there is hope in all of this invest in your abilities and instead other dumb money grabbing sc

Dec 8, 2010 Like it
Jeff Greene

Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant

Your comment is certainly very true and painful, Wendy!

There's an old saying that comes to mind, though... "Consider the uses of Adversity " which oddly enough, is a state of Being that can force "Clarity Of Thoughts " from which our suffering colleagues can generate the kind of ideas that can solve most of their troubles...

Dec 8, 2010 Like it
Wendy Ward

Web Designer

I think most people online will have had a time when they felt really desperate that no matter how much work they put in nothing ever worked!

Dec 8, 2010 Like it
Blagojevic Vera


Good resource, thanks for info.

Dec 7, 2010 Like it
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