So - You want a Business Online!

Oct 22, 2010

Hello Folks

Everybody who wishes to start a business on the web should first of all ask themselves the following questions.

Why am I Here? What is my objective? What is my reason for wanting an online Business?

Whatever your goal, how are you going to get there?

What is my business plan?

These questions need to be answered seriously and honestly - if you cannot be honest with yourself then what chance have you with others.

These questions are not to be answered glibely, but you need to take your time, you need to put some thought and some theory into the answers - they will not come to you within 5 minutes. The first answers may not be the correct ones and may need to be changed - they may need to be flexible for different circumstances

To be successful in any business (and we are always saying this) there are three things that you have to have:-

Time - Effort - Finance

How much of each, depends upon your goal, and how long you want to take to get there.

Set yourself three Goals




We have said that there are three things that you need but there is at least one more, a most important commodity, a commodity that you cannot do without and that is - PATIENCE - without it you will get nowhere!

This always sounds simple but most people need help from people of more experience.

This is where a good upline or sponsor comes in handy, and being one of these is a separate subject altogether.

Have FUN we do

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Comments (1)
Tricia (Patricia) Fa...

thank you for the article. i needed to be reminded it is not just the finance that makes or breaks a company. it is the time spent and the effort you put into it also. :-)

Jun 12, 2011 Like it
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