Go Dare To Be Wild!

When someone dares you to be wild, what’s the first thing that pops into your head? Running around crazy and flailing your arms? Doing something foolish that you may regret later? Getting drunk into a stupor? Well that may seem like the wild thing to do for some people… But for me, daring you to be wild means something completely different. Every day we get so bottled up in life. We may work out of our homes or head to an indoor office job. We all lead such busy, busy lives that we tend to forget about taking care of ourselves the right way.

If you work a demanding job, you are most likely exhausted at the end of the day. Whether you have to sit in an office, at a computer, or even work in retail…. these environments aren’t always the best for our health. We know we need to get out for some fresh air, move more and lead a healthier life, but often we are not sure of the best steps to take.

Trying to find balance between work, play and being healthy can often become mixed up with crazy messages. Some people will take the time to exercise several times a week, go to the gym and move around more. That’s really great. Then there are those who keep telling themselves they will start and never do. Exercising may often seem like an overwhelming chore. But it doesn’t have to be that way and it shouldn’t!

Take a moment to consider what you enjoy doing? Are you more of an outdoor person or an indoor person? Doing something is better than doing nothing at all…. But if you find that you prefer to be a couch potato, think about taking the dare to be wild. Having an accountability partner often helps people stay on track. Just knowing that someone else is also following with the same dare principles can help you to be more consistent.

Realize that your health is much more important than watching the next episode on television. Decide that you will move more so that your body will function better. But just take it one step at a time. Especially if you are just beginning with a new exercise or if this is a completely new thing for you to do. Don’t attempt to overdo any form of exercise! Pick just one type of exercise and start off slowly, do it with joy in your heart.

Well that is just one aspect of the Go Dare To Be Wild! There are three other parts that you should learn about. Taking these four simple steps to put you on the path to a healthier lifestyle will help you feel better, and may even provide you with a healthier longer life in general. I dare you to watch the move to learn how you can be more wild - Go Dare To Be Wild!

Diamond Inspirations

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