Procrastinating Procrastination

Now I recently asked a question about what
members on Apsense would change if they could
and procrastination is what struck me.

The first thing that came to my mind was
procrastinating procrastination. Put off what you
would put off.

Sounds crazy I know but give it a shot. I wrote
something that will really help but someone messed
up the message in that post so try to think like this...

If you know there is something to do but you don’t
want to do that thing find something really close to it
and do that.

So if you know you have to write let’s say 5 articles
and you only have 3 which you want to take a break,

Write some fun ads even if you don’t need them. Try
to write those ads towards in the reference towards
the next 2 articles.

Things are so addictive to me now that I can go on
and on for about 24 hours before I have to really
stop and take a big break so I don’t fully understand
not doing something.

The one thing that bugs me is running into people
who won’t do what I’ve asked so it is why I walk
through just about everything with them.

Something else I thought of is right before you begin
aimlessly surfing or pointless chatting write a
paragraph whatever that comes to mind.

If that fails just find me and I will work with you on
your projects when time permits. I think this will help
you keep focused. Anyhow be the best at
procrastinating procrastination.

Mike G.

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