Phlebotomy Technician Course is an educational facility which is supposed to serve students of health professionals to oblige an excellent career. Exceptional training in the genre of health care services, its basic mission is to equip graduates, sustainable employment with practical experience and vocational instructions at high demand positions in medical training.

Prior to moving on with the entire course details, Dr. Lal Path Labs extensively provides for a detailed analysis of what Phlebotomy Technician Course stands for, along with some of its salient features.

The Phlebotomy Training

In the current scenario, job market has immense amount of opportunities for you to choose from. Similarly the genre of medical training can indeed be an advantageous option for all, with the aspect of opening doors to numerous career options in healthcare and medical assistance. At Lal path Labs we are indeed making a constant effort to expand our training programs in order to adapt the demands of the growing health care industry. We offer hands for Phlebotomy Training programs for all the aspiring students and professionals.

The Purpose of Phlebotomy Technician Course

A phlebotomy technician is definitely the one, who has hands on professional responsible for drawing blood, and at the same time preparing it for further medical test. Most of the jobs, which requires phlebotomy certification as well as training are generally found either in hospitals or at doctor’s chamber. Hence the technicians should be the best their genre and have expertise on the same. They usually have to spend a lot of time with patients and hence accordingly excellent communication skills are always necessary.

The Duties of a Phlebotomist

The above description has definitely made us realize that, one of the major duty of a Phlebotomist is to have good communication skill, since they have to work closely with patients. It is indeed a phlebotomy technician who has to carry out various duties to assist the physician perform his role in a better manner. Beginning from gathering of tools to even arranging all the upcoming events are all done by them. However the major role is always to notify that everything is fine with the blood collection devices to the bandages, along with having a good collection of stock. Yes it is true that handling blood can really be very dangerous, and one has to be careful with it. For a Phlebotomist, he should actually treat it properly and get everything done in the correct manner.

Hence this is a career option that opens up more job opportunities for an individual, along with increasing the potential of your pay scale and your expertise.

Phlebotomy Training at Lal Path Labs

The Phlebotomy Technician Program is a robust range of classes organized by Lal Path Labs for every individual with an eligibility criteria as listed below

·         Course in Medical Laboratory Technology

·         10+2 in Science from any recognized School/College/Institution

·         Junior Technicians in Labs and Hospitals

·         Graduates in Life Science, Pharma, Nursing and others

It is with our certificate course you will be able to learn various techniques in blood collection methods, an identification of protocols, processing of the specimen and quality assurance. At the end of the course, you will be certified along with having a possession of knowledge, skills and externship experience, the three pillars of a good Phlebotomist.

Our Course Details

The entire Phlebotomy Technician Training Program is for a duration of 6 Months (4 Months + 2 Months Internship), with an eligibility of 10+2 Science Student. The main objective of the course is to make the students learn to collect blood sample by venipuncture and micro-collection techniques. We also help them learn and process other clinical specimens.

Fee Structure and Advantages

A total amount of 35,000 INR will fetch you authentic Phlebotomy Technician Program, that will ultimately serve you with range of advantageous aspects, like;

·         World class infrastructure

·         Highly experience pathologist as faculty

·         Basic English, Soft Skills, Computers & Personality Development classes

·         Centrally air conditioned classroom

·         Scholarship program

·         Digital classroom

·         Wi-Fi campus

·         Stipendiary internship

·         100% Job Placement assistance

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