Genesis Labs 2013: The Thing About “SEO”. Does It Work?

Posted by R. Weatherly
456 Pageviews

Hello Readers,

I just got this email from Mike Filsaime and Andy Jenkins,

and I thought their answer was so spot-on, I wanted to

share it with you.


----start forwarded message---


This has gotta be the top question of 2013:

Does Search Engine Optimization work anymore?


The answer is YES, but ONLY if you change the word “Search”

to the word “Social”.


I doubt it will get much traction, but Social Engine Optimization

will get you traffic, but its not about building “Link Popularity” or

“Page Rank”, and it’s certainly not about Keyword Meta Tags.  




To get your pages to the top of the search engines, here’s what you

want to focus on:


1 - Get Engagement.

Put the Facebook Social Plugin on any page where you share content.  Recent Facebook comments on your page are one of the top 3 ways to get the search engines to love on your search rankings.


2 - Get Views.

If you’re not launching (And even if you are, it’s just a little trickier), use YouTube to host your content videos.  Those views that happen on your page (Using the YouTube embed code) summon the search engine love.  


3 - Get Likes and Shares.

Not as powerful as a FB comment, it still the “precursor” to a well engaged page - meaning you need Facebook Likes and Shares to look legit - not having them would be like trying to sell something without an add to cart button.

Genesis Labs 2013 

4 - Social Hubbing (HUGE)

All of your social media portals should reference the page you want to rank in the Search Engines.  In other words, you should tweet about that page with a direct link to it.  


You should post on your personal and fan page about your site.  LinkedIn posts, Pinterest Pins, Google Plus Plusses - every social media portal where you can point to your site with a link should have one.


This kind of “Social Popularity” is what you want to be focused on - if you want to rank in the next few hours, that is.



That’s Your Goal in 2014.


IMPORTANT - In next week’s Episode of Genesis Labs, Mike and I are doing a training module (Because that’s what Genesis Labs does - train you to be amazing at marketing) on  SOCIAL HUBBING, and I have a Case Study Example of how to increase your traffic from Pinterest and FB by a factor of 22.  It’s cool stuff, and you should watch it.


IF you’re not a member of Genesis Labs, here’s the deal:


RIGHT NOW, you can get not only save up to 60% off (Which is silly given how CHEAP it is to begin with), during this holiday sale we’re having, you can also get:


VIDEO GENESIS (The Full Program) - for absolutely ZERO additional charge. Yes, it’s a crazy deal, and it’s meant to be. Genesis Labs is where you want to be in 2014, but there’s a problem with being there Readers.


We END the special offer THIS WEEK.  


You’re getting this email because you don’t have either Video Genesis OR Genesis Labs.


And if you click on this link, you can get Video Genesis for free, and Genesis Labs for as little as 75 CENTS per day.


See you in the portal!



Andy and Mike



Got a great comment at the Genesis Live event, and I want to share it with you because I’m proud of it:


Every Genesis Labs Episode you guys make is like a Product unto itself - it’s the best value in online training ever”.


Thanks - we agree.


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Thank you!