In a new, exciting study, researchers effectively used genetic landscaping to specialize treatment of advanced cancers in children. This specific approach involves thorough examination of the patients genetic sequence, with the goal of identifying anomalies that may be the target of new experimental drugs or approaches to treatment.

To begin their research, the study authors started by sequencing the tumor's DNA and RNA as well as normal DNA from children and young adults with cancer that has relapsed or that is rare. Overall, the researchers were able to make an actionable discovery in 46% of patients. From there, 25% of the patients decided to move forward with the researchers suggested modifications to their treatment – and about 10% went on to achieve a partial or full recovery.

When asked about these findings, lead author Rajen Mody, M.S., pediatric oncologist at U-M's C.S. Mott Children's Hospital said:

“We found that for some children with rare, difficult-to-treat and aggressive cancers, this technology can dramatically change the course of their treatment. We have made significant strides in cancer treatment but for some kids, especially those with metastatic or relapsed disease, even the most advanced, proven therapies have not been able to improve their outcome. Our approach in precision oncology showed its greatest promise in these difficult to treat patients -- 80 percent of our study patients had relapsed or refractory disease, and those are the ones who benefited most from our study."

Since each child is different and there is no way of knowing how they will respond to treatments, being able to identify which genetic change is driving the disease will make for a better, more effective, and individualized approach to pediatric cancer treatment. And, though the current cost of sequencing is around $6,000, researchers expect to see that price decrease as technology continues to advance.

Holly Jones, a representative for Cancer Cures Investigated, shared her thoughts on these findings in a statement. She said “We are so thrilled to see yet another new development in the search for effective cancer treatments. With this discovery, doctors can now pin-point where the body is going wrong and what's really causing these irregularities. Our staff hopes to see this strategy implemented by all medical practitioners in the near future."

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