Diabetes is a growing public health concern around the world, and for men it can be a male organ health concern as well. While it may seem counterintuitive that a disease characterized by its effect on blood sugar levels should impact the manhood, this is indeed the case. Therefore, proper male organ care involves taking steps to prevent diabetes or, when diabetes is present, managing this condition.

What is diabetes? 

Diabetes refers to a condition in which the body has difficulty producing and/or using insulin, a hormone created by the pancreas. Insulin is very important because it helps to regulate how much sugar (called glucose) is in the blood. When blood sugar levels get too high, as is often the case with diabetes, there can be significant problems. Many complications – including heart disease and nerve damage – are associated with diabetes.

There are some diabetes complications which are specifically related to male organ health. These include:

Firm organ dysfunction. 

Men with diabetes are much more likely to encounter firm organ issues than are non-diabetic men. They are also more likely to run into this embarrassing problem at a younger age than non-diabetic men.

How does diabetes impact organ firmness? First, one of the complications associated with diabetes is nerve damage. When the nerves are impacted, a person experiences a loss of sensation or a "de-sensitization" of the area. In some cases, this can be extreme. Since the sensitivity level of the nerves in the member determines organ firmness response, a diminution of sensitivity due to nerve damage can make attaining and maintaining a tumescent state more difficult.

Second, blood flow also plays a crucial role in successful tumescence. When the manhood gets the signals that start the excitation process, they open the gates so that blood can rush in and fill the organ. Diabetes can have a negative impact on blood flow, and that can lead to a softening of the firming-up process.

Retrograde seed release. 

Some men with diabetes also experience retrograde seed release, a condition in which nerve damage causes the bladder neck muscle to malfunction, resulting in male seed being sent into the bladder rather than into the urethra. (The seed is then expelled when the man urinates.) Retrograde seed release is not dangerous, but it does have an impact on men attempting to father a child – and it can have a dampening psychological effect on men due to the reduced amount of seed fluid that is expelled during a typical seed release.


Yeast infections can be a bothersome issue for men, creating a situation in which the male member has visible rashes or splotches, is itchy and may "burn" somewhat when urinating. Because diabetes creates an increase in sugar, it facilitates a favorable breeding ground for yeast and the accompanying infections.


Diabetes requires professional diagnosis and recommendations for treatments. Although injections of insulin are required for many people with diabetes, others are able to largely manage the condition through lifestyle changes (more exercise, healthier eating, maintaining a proper weight, etc.).

Treating diabetes can help protect male organ health, but it also helps to take additional steps to maintain overall organ health. One excellent way of attaining this goal is via the daily use of a superior male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). Of special importance is using a crème that can help support health areas likely to be impacted by diabetes. That means a crème that includes L-arginine, which boosts nitric oxide production; this in turn provides assistance in improving blood flow. The ideal crème should also include soothing moisturizers like Shea butter and vitamin E, which can play a role in reducing itchiness that may accompany yeast infections and rashes. Also look for acetyl L-carnitine, which promotes nerve health and the maintenance of sensitivity. None of these can treat diabetes itself, but such a crème can maintain the health of the organ so that it is better able to deal with possible complications.

Visit http://www.menshealthfirst.com for additional information on most common manhood health issues, tips on improving member sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.

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