Male organ bumps are often a source of great concern for a man, but they are not always a sign of something serious. For example, sometimes male organ bumps may be nothing more than molloscum contagiosum (MC), a skin issue that is annoying and unattractive but not dangerous. Recognizing MC and knowing how to take care of it is part of any man's proper male organ care routine.

What is MC?

Molluscum contagiosum sounds much scarier than it actually is – which is why "MC" is used more frequently, especially among lay people (that is, non-medical personnel).  So what is it?

MC presents as lesions on the skin. (The lesions are called mollusca, which is where the "molluscum" part of the name comes from.) The lesions tend to be raised (like bumps) and on the small side (about 2 to 5 millimeters). They vary in color from white to pink to flesh-toned. Many times they are marked by a small depression, like a dimple, in the center. Although some sources describe them as "pearly," they shouldn't be confused with pearly papules, another benign skin condition which occurs on the members of some men.

MC can occur anywhere on the body, although the bumps are usually found on the skin in the groin region. Rarely, they occur around the eyes or mouth.

What causes MC?

MC is an infection caused by a virus. This virus is spread through direct contact, usually skin-on-skin, between people. In some cases, it can be spread through the handling of items, such as towels, which have come into contact with an infected area on a person. For example, if a person with MC goes swimming and dries off with a towel, another person could contract MC from then using the towel.

MC can easily spread over one's own body once contracted. For example, if a person scratches an MC area and then touches another part of the body, the infection may spread.


MC is usually a benign issue, although it can often cause itchiness. Scratching can then cause the area to become sore; in some cases, scratching may result in scarring. Scratching may also lead to a secondary bacterial infection. Eczema is also common around affected areas.

More often, however, MC is more of a cosmetic issue. Especially when in the form of male organ bumps, it can look unattractive. Appearance on the manhood may also make potential partners fear that the owner of the affected member is not a safe sensual partner.


Preventing MC on the male organ is advisable. Since it can be spread from sensual organ-to-sensual organ contact, using barrier protection is a good way of reducing risk of transmission. A man who has MC on another part of his body should be careful not to scratch the bump before touching his manhood, especially when self-pleasuring.

MC typically goes away on its own, but it can take 12-18 months. In some cases, the virus may be persistent and topical treatments may be employed to quicken its demise. A doctor can advise the most appropriate treatment.

The itching and eczema that may accompany the male organ bumps known as MC can often be alleviated through the use a top-drawer male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil).  After making sure that skin is not broken (in which case application should be delayed until the break is healed), rubbing in a crème that contains a powerful combination of moisturizers (such as Shea butter and vitamin E, two natural hydrators) can provide relief from itching and many common skin irritations. It also helps to attend to overall manhood health by using a crème whose ingredients include vitamin C (for collagen production and male organ tissue firmness) and acetyl L-carnitine (which improves nerve and cell function in the member).

Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving manhood sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy member. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.

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