Brawler is a common class selected by DFO players. However, there are some misunderstanding about this class. This is a guide about the latest updated Male Brawler.

Normally, players think Male Brawler suffers greatly from status resistance. I have to say if your main damage is from bleed and poison, and you are either doing something wrong or fighting a certain enemy that only take one damage from normal attacks. The latest Male Brawler is a mid-range zoning class which can be considered as a throwy mage in heavy armor with a pseudo combo system that goes out of the notice of most players at first sight. The amount of damage that your status ailments are doing is very secondary due to the below considerations:

1)The number of status ailments that the enemy suffers from at once for Raging Vulcan and Explosive Hook.

2)Whether the enemy has a status ailment or not for Venom Mine and Ground Tackle, especially for damage multiplier on Throw Net

As the main goal as a Male Brawler is to apply as many status ailments as practical in short time and finish the combo with the finishers of Vulcan and Explosive whose short down is 5.5 secs and 15ish secs, respectively.

At the mid level, the difference of the way to apply status is between a 50k explosive hook and 20k explosive hook. Keep in mind that the shortest duration status ailments are poison and bleed. And the most reliable one are slow, stun, immobilize and stun. In general, it takes at least there status ailments for mount or explosive. One of the three is perfect immobilizer for the damage buff. Getting some cheap DFO gold is necessary for it.

In terms of the recent change, the emphasis is on the lower of the STR or INT to the higher, make it possible to do good damage with a hybrid build. So it is not necessary to specialize in magical damage or physical damage any more. And the Battle Mage has to wait for his second awakening for this. Or you can buy DFO gold to get this.

As for skills, Male brawlers don’t need Throwing Mastery generally. Different from Female Brawlers, they have stronger options to throw than discs. It is recommendable to use Physical critical skills. The Physical Rear Attack is situationally useful as they can work with neck snap if you can get alt skills. Only when you go Poison or INT build, you may need Ancient Memory, or it is of no use. The necessary skill is Quick Rebound. It is necessary to farm some DFO gold for good armor.

As for Striker, the Hammer Kick, Air Walk and Low Kick are not recommended. As using Hammer Kick is too difficult to combo off. And Low Kick makes it combo badly with the rest of the skills. While Air Walk can sometimes used after strengthen Block throw but with little use for more air time. High Kick, Tiger Chain Strike and Pure Walk. The necessary Striker for Male Brawler which are quite useful combo skill which can do great percentage based damage if maxed. The difficult is that M Brawler lacks SP, while Tornado Kick needs 3 TP input to be worthwhile. With it, you can juggle and hit some downed enemies. And it can be used after a strengthened Block throw. Be careful as it tends to scatter enemies all around if you don’t snare them first with Net Throw. 

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