For most men, the perfect ending to a perfect date involves a high degree of sensual stimulation for his favorite organ, even if it means he ends up with a raw male organ. When in the throes of passion and sporting an aggressively insistent tumescence, most men believe that a little rawness in the tool is a small price to pay for the glorious release they seek. Because men tend to have this mindset, appropriate male organ care includes knowing how to deal with a sore male organ.

Thinking with a member

When in a state of sensual excitement, men are said to think with their members, but that’s not exactly correct. If the manhood were truly doing the thinking, it would probably advise a little caution. After all, the male organ whose owner is careless with his tool health knows that a few minutes of pleasure is going to come with the cost of hours, days or weeks of tenderness.

What to do

Not surprisingly, there are several things that a guy can do to decrease the chances of developing a raw male organ and still enjoy his bedtime romp (whether with a partner or his own hand).  Let’s take a look at a few of them.

- Keep lubricant handy – and use it. Excessive friction is one of the primary causes of a raw male organ, and this is especially true when a man is performing an act of self-satisfaction. When the bare hand is employed without lubrication, the friction between the dry skin on the hand and the dry (or slightly moist) skin on the manhood can be harmful. Ideally, a lotion or cream should be used, but even one’s own salvia can provide some protective layer.

- Keep protection handy – and use it. Clearly, a man engaging in partner sensual activity needs to be using appropriate protection, both to prevent unwanted pregnancy and to help stop the spread of transmittable infections. The barrier also helps provide protection against friction. In order for this to be most effective, both at presenting seed from escaping and ensuring less friction, it’s important to choose a cover that fits properly. A too-snug fit can restrict blood flow and also irritate the tool; a too-loose fit can allow seed seepage as well as cause the barrier to rub against the manhood head in an uncomfortable manner, creating friction.

- Learn to say no. Often when a man is presented with the opportunity for coupling, he immediately says yes – even if at the moment his equipment is intensely sore from being rubbed raw. A man needs to more carefully weigh his choices in such situations and learn that there may be times when saying no to the offer – with apologies and the hope to have a rain check – is the better option.

- Practice health maintenance.  This is very important. If the manhood is kept in its best health, it can bounce back more quickly from a night or two of excessive sensual stimulation. To both avoid and treat a sore male organ, a man should regularly apply a high-quality male organ health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil).  For best results, a man should make sure that the cream he uses is filled with natural ingredients that promote male organ health. For example, a cream that includes both a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E) offers benefits from their combined moisturizing effects – which is essential for treating a raw male organ. In addition, a man needs to check and make sure that the cream lists vitamin C among its ingredients. This popular vitamin is very useful for the production of collagen as well as enhancing manhood tissue firmness; combined, this adds up to a youthful appearance for the member and is helpful in the process of healing a raw male organ.

Visit for additional information on most common manhood health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy member. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.

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