Many men have an exhibitionist streak and would get a thrill out of displaying their male organs for all the world to see. For proof, one has merely to take a stroll through any amateur adult site to see how many men have been proud to post photos or videos of their firm members. For that matter, flaccid male organs are also readily available for viewing with only a click of the mouse. (And even a quick perusal reveals one thing worth noting: Most men could benefit from paying a bit more of attention to their male organ health, a wise move if one is planning on spreading close-ups of his junk across the internet.) Virtual exposure (in which the face is not featured) is one of those self-pleasuring tips that help exhibitionists stay out of trouble.

However, exhibitionists do not need to stop at virtual exposures of their tumescent members. There are other opportunities available for showing off one's manhood in a live setting – and doing so legally and safely. For example, many male self-pleasuring or male and female self-pleasuring clubs exist where one may expose and stroke oneself as much as one pleases.


Yet there are some who may desire more – and yet realize that unwanted and unasked-for displays of public exposure are risky at best, illegal at worst and often make victims of unwilling spectators. This is why exhibitionist roleplaying, in which one or more individuals exhibits him/herself and one or more play specifically identified viewers, is a suitable alternative to consider.

With roleplaying, all those participating are willing and informed. The boundaries can be established and any necessary rules set up, allowing for safety for all involved.

A couple’s game

Engaging in exhibitionist roleplaying is most often something that a couple enjoys, and the following examples will assume that only two are involved; however, for those with friends or acquaintances who share this interest, it can certainly be broadened to include many more than two participants. And, though these examples stress self-pleasuring, they can also lead to partner activity as well. The key here, of course, is that these are imaginary scenarios acted out in the privacy of one's own home.

With that said, here are some scenarios that careful exhibitionists may want to employ:

- Look what I can do! Some men have a desire to expose themselves because they felt their male member was shamed by their family when they were growing up. This scenario addresses that. The man gets into the bathtub and pretends to be a child. As he washes, he plays with himself openly. The spectator encourages him and praises his tool.

- Taxi jacked. The partners set up chairs to simulate a taxi, which the woman is driving. The man plays the passenger, who gets into the back seat. As the driver keeps up a steady stream of chatter, the passenger pleasures himself in the back seat, unnoticed by the driver until the passenger noisily releases.

- Table manners. The couple sits down to dinner. As they eat, the man unzips his pants and removes his tool, which he proceeds to fondle. Only as the man approaches release does his partner become aware of his activities and demands that he stand up so that the partner can see him better.

- Half-time. While watching the big game on TV, the partner encourages the man to put on his own half-time show – complete with very special fireworks at the end.

- Police procedural. The couple pretends they are outside. The man pulls out his pecker and surreptitiously begins to pound it. His partner approaches, pretending to be a cop. She threatens to run him in, but is mesmerized by his member and instead threatens to arrest him if he doesn't continue on until he releases.

Naturally, this exhibitionist roleplaying may turn a firm male organ into a sore one due to excessive or aggressive use. In these cases, a nourishing male organ health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is needed. The best cream will include not only natural moisturizers (Shea butter and vitamin E are advised) but also L-arginine, which can address peripheral nerve damage from overuse that can otherwise lead to a loss of sensation in the tool. As an added bonus, creams with vitamin A have anti-bacterial properties to fight unwanted manhood odor.

Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving member sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy manhood. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.

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