The prepuce is a double layer of tissue made up of smooth muscle, mucus membranes, skin, nerves and blood vessels. It covers the male organ in uncut men and provides a layer of protection for the head. Because it contains a large number of nerve cells, the prepuce can be very sensitive and provide a great deal of pleasure. On the other hand, when prepuce problems occur, they can be quite painful, and in some cases, they can cause lasting damage to the male organ. By practicing appropriate male organ care on a regular basis, men can avoid most of the issues described here.

1) Swelling after self-pleasuring. Boys and men who are uncut often report swelling after self-pleasuring. This generally occurs due to an excessively tight grip and/or aggressive movements; the prepuce may remain swollen for several hours afterward and may or may not be sore to the touch. The swelling will typically recede on its own; applying a cool compress (not ice) to the area may help reduce the swelling and relieve any discomfort. Men can avoid this issue by using a personal lubricant during self-pleasuring and easing up on the grip.

2) Smegma. This refers to the whitish, pasty substance that may accumulate underneath the prepuce. It is made up of sloughed-off dead skin cells, natural oils from the body, and other fluids. Smegma is not harmful in itself, but it does attract bacteria that can emit a very unpleasant odor; the presence of bacteria may increase the risk of inflammation in the area. Smegma should be removed during cleansing.

3) Balanitis. This inflammatory condition is characterized by a red, itchy rash, swelling of the prepuce, a whitish or yellow discharge, and discomfort or pain. Balanitis is typically caused by poor hygiene; men who do not clean well underneath the prepuce are more likely to have frequent problems with balanitis. Proper cleansing is important to maintaining overall male health. Uncut men should gently – never forcibly – roll back the prepuce to wash underneath, making sure to dry the head carefully before replacing the sheath.

4) Phimosis. This condition is diagnosed in boys and men who are unable to retract the prepuce fully over the head of the male organ. With a normal uncut male organ, the prepuce is fully attached to the head at birth; the adhesions that hold it in place wear away during childhood, and most boys are able to retract the prepuce by their late teens. In men who have previously been able to roll back the prepuce, this problem is referred to as pathological phimosis; it is often caused by scarring due to frequent balanitis. Cortisone creams are often used for treating phimosis, but men should always talk to their doctor rather than attempting self-treatment.

5) Paraphimosis. When the prepuce is retracted and becomes trapped behind the head, this is known as paraphimosis. It is generally caused by an injury resulting in swelling. If not treated, the swollen prepuce can cut off the blood flow to the head of the male organ, which can cause tissue death. Paraphimosis should be treated as a medical emergency. Treatment involves reducing the swelling, either through application of ice packs or injection of medication. Circumcision may be necessary in some cases.

Men who develop prepuce issues like these should consult with a doctor as soon as possible for diagnosis and treatment. Most of these problems can be avoided by keeping the entire male organ clean, using a latex barrier for every sensual encounter, and exercising care when handling the prepuce. Applying a male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) on a daily basis can also help maintain a healthy prepuce by providing nutrient support, as well as keeping the prepuce supple, elastic and well-moisturized.

Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.

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