Most guys think about male organ care in terms of using protection, keeping it clean, and getting regular checkups; as long as they follow these steps, they are generally confident that the rest will take care of itself. But after reading about these 10 unusual manhood problems, men may never look at the male organ the same way again, or take their good health for granted.

1) Priapism. By now, everyone has heard the caution about seeking medical attention for a hard manhood lasting longer than four hours. This condition, known as priapism, truly is a medical emergency; it is caused when blood becomes trapped inside the male organ, usually as the result of an injury or due to certain medications. Priapism is not the result of sensual stimulation, so it is much less fun than it sounds. Surgery is usually needed to correct the problem; failure to treat it promptly can result in permanent damage to the male tissue.

2) Hypersensuality. This condition is classified as a mental health disorder; it occurs when a person – male or female – has a hyperactive drive, leaving them wanting sensual contact virtually all the time. Hypersensuality is a serious problem that can lead to obsessive, risky behaviors; it can occur along with other mental health condition such as bipolar disorder. Mood stabilizers, medications that lower androgen levels, and talk therapy may be used to treat this issue.

3) Sleep Coitus. This highly unusual condition is diagnosed when people have intimate contact in their sleep, without any awareness of the act. Similar to sleepwalking, Sleep Coitus may include self-stimulation or even itnimacy with another person; people have actually been known to leave their own beds, enter the homes of strangers and have contact with them while they were sleeping. Sleep Coitus can be triggered by stress, sleep deprivation or sleep apnea; treating the underlying condition is necessary to stop the behavior.

4) Asensuality. This condition can occur in both men and women; asensuality refers to the complete lack of desire for sensual contact. Different than impotence, asensual individuals have normally functioning bodies and have the ability to perform; they simply don’t care to do it. Some asensuals may have romantic relationships and even marry, and they may have relations as, in essence, a favor to the person they are with. Others feel a sense of revulsion toward the act. Currently, there is no known treatment – and those who experience it may simply see no need for one.

5) Paraphilia. Also known as fetishism, paraphilia entails the inability to be sensually gratified without a particular item or act. Most instances of paraphilia involve some extreme behaviors and can be damaging, even leading an individual to harm others. Paraphilia may be treated with medications such as those used to treat ADHD.

6) Micromanhood. As the name implies, this condition refers to a very, very small male organ – under 2 inches when hard. Micromanhood may occur as a result of a growth hormone deficiency. It may be treated using hormone therapy if it is detected in childhood, but typically the male organ will still be much smaller than average. Men with micromanhood generally do not have any luck with male organ enlargement techniques.

7) Diphalia. This highly unusual condition refers to individuals who are born with two male organs, which may or may not be functional. Fewer than 100 cases have been reported; men with this condition often have other defects in the spine or pelvic area.

Fortunately, most men will never have to deal with problems like these; and they can also avoid many of the more common problems that affect male health by using protection, exercising good hygiene, and adding a male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) to their personal care routine. A formula that is rich in vitamins and amino acids, as well as high-end emollients, can promote healthy, supple, responsive skin in men of all ages.

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