Clearly, a dry manhood is less appealing than one with smooth, well-hydrated skin; but the problems associated with dry, parched skin are more than just superficial. Dermal tissue that is chronically dry can increase a man’s risk of more intensive problems; therefore, appropriate manhood care should include attention to the condition of the skin. Read on for more about the problems associated with a dry, dehydrated male organ.

The risks of chronically dry manhood skin:

1) Increased itching and/or soreness. Dry skin tends to be itchy and uncomfortable, which can put a man in an embarrassing situation when the urge to scratch becomes overwhelming at just the wrong moment; and when he gives in to the urge, scratching can cause microscopic tears in the skin’s surface. These minute cracks or tears can also develop on their own simply due to the dryness, causing the skin to become extremely sore. Men who have ongoing problems with dryness often experience discomfort during sensual activity.

2) Greater exposure to infection. The same tears in the skin that cause soreness also provide an easy entry point for fungal spores that can cause unpleasant skin infections such as thrush (also known as yeast infection). Bacterial infections may also be more likely to develop on skin that is compromised.

3) Loss of sensation. Dry skin can often occur as a result of dry rubbing during self-pleasuring. The friction that occurs from this skin-on-skin contact causes the dermal tissue to respond by developing a layer of keratinized tissue, similar to the calluses that often form on the hands and feet. This thicker skin can block sensations related to touch on the skin’s surface, making it more difficult for men to experience pleasure during either solo or partner play. Men who have chronically dry manhood skin often complain of reduced manhood sensation, which is often resolved by improving the skin’s level of moisture.

4) Early appearance of aging, wrinkled skin. Skin that is well-hydrated tends to look plump and supple; on the other hand, dehydration can cause sagging of the dermal tissue, as well as a grayish, unhealthy appearance. Manhood skin that looks old and wrinkled is certainly less appealing to the beholder, and it can diminish a man’s confidence in his overall appearance.

Men who have ongoing issues with dry skin should consult with their doctor to determine whether there is an underlying health issue related to the problem. Skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis are associated with dry skin, and men who have diabetes may also experience dryness and discomfort. Treating these conditions may involve more intensive treatment, including prescription medications and lifestyle changes.

How to prevent dryness for a healthier, more attractive male organ

- Wear breathable clothing. Clothing that allows for air circulation can help reduce sweating, which can deprive the skin of moisture and lead to drying.

- Avoid known allergens and irritants. Men with skin allergies should avoid anything that triggers a histamine response; if contact does occur, the area should be washed thoroughly.

- Use a personal lubricant. Using a water-based lube for partner play and self-pleasuring reduces the amount of friction on the male organ, resulting in less drying of the skin.

- Never skip the protection. A rubber can reduce the chances of contracting a yeast infection from an infected partner – a condition which can cause dryness, itching and inflammation of the male organ skin.

- Drink plenty of water. Good hydration starts from the inside out; men should be sure to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day for healthier, more resilient skin.

- Apply a male organ health crème every day. An emollient male organ health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) is an excellent way to restore moisture to parched male organ skin; look for products containing high-end moisturizers such as Shea butter, which is generally safe even for individuals with sensitive skin.

Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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