Million Dollar Plan – Whale Offers



I don’t really care if an affiliate offer is for a penny or $20,000 I will promote it. But $500, $5,000 or $15,000 affiliate programs are much better in the sense that they have to deliver.


The better the offer, less complaints I get and it seems to be a smoother transition. I do have to work hard in putting the initial details but that’s it. I do much more work on a penny commission overall!


I have one affiliate program that I have joined with that has no limitations of earnings but I will keep things on simple measures. It only deals with “whales” so the commissions could be from $300-$60,000+ can you imagine?


Now begging people to sign up for the $5 or $20 offer isn’t that appealing when you can take the time out to promote a big offer that works. You could easily put in the time to present the big offer first then go back to begging on the smaller offers.

I know how it is, I spend a lot of time begging people to joining things that I know would help them. Yes, I may have an affiliate link in it but truth be told I use it mostly to advertise for them and split the profits. It is a strange world to me.


Anyhow there are plenty of big offers that many marketers stay away from but the few of us are killing it with them. It isn’t that hard to just sign up study others and smash it!


You set these websites up and once you have things rolling just go about doing other things. All the info is there for the whales to digest and once they are sold, bingo you hit the baby lottery!


The funny thing is that I signed up for yesterday following the rules and when the money started showing up on a scale they banned me! I don’t get banned! At the same time I signed up with this whale site and they are more excited for me joining than I am.


Some people make real money while others make excuses. I had someone today on Apsense justify being lazy! I fully understand that people have lives and families but I can do what I want to right now…


You probably know the story of the ant and the grasshopper, right? Well, it goes something like this:


All summer and spring the ant would work during a part of the day storing food for the winter. The grasshopper would make fun of him and try to stop him while doing little himself.


Winter came and the grasshopper had nothing…


Now you will have grasshopper folks slow you down if you let them. I always tell a person that whatever their outcome on the internet is on them and only them. One thing I have to say about that is a negative voice will beat out a positive one every time if you bother to listen.


I don’t blame grasshopper people they may not have been raised to believe that they can do the thing that seems impossible. They may have been brought up to have no hope. They may have been brought up to pretend less is OK.


You are reading this for a reason and I’m telling you to not follow me and definitely follow the grasshopper people but follow the ANT…





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