One Million Dollar Plan on a Napkin

Posted by Daniel P.
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Million Dollar Plan
on a Napkin
Success Shared
The other night I wrote down details of a Million Dollar Plan.  I have made a million before, but it took a long time, with this New Plan is should be lot faster and less Risky. The concept is Simple. Utilize the power of Internet and established avenues of advertising to harness success.  I have found that many people including myself get online and look for the best Get Rich Quick business. Once they start then the expences begin. Pay for ads here, pay for membership here and there and very soon they find them self spending just as much or more than income.

In a nut shell.. Here is My Million Dollar Napkin Plan. Study and research several great opportunities. Once found, act on it. Come in at the highest level or plan that is affortible to you. Establish several great memberships to good effective marketing that you pay one time for lifetime memberships. Join free effective sites where you will be able to promote your program to the fullest.

Now, here is the Crucial.. Once your are part of an opportunity that you feel good about, Stay with it.. Focus. You may look at others but just for education purposes. Mainly Focus on what you have. Spend Time Daily on advertising. Not once a week, but daily- it is like brushing your teeth, do it often and it is easier. Now, as success slowly comes take part of the profit and put back into marketing. Do not fall into the trap of jumping opps and overspending on advertising that brings in no results.

I have the details of the whole concept and if you would like to have a copy I will make one up for you. My members on my team will be able to have the full details. Please e-mail me back with a comment to let me know what you think. Daniel in Missouri, here to help you. 

618-355-7431 to Info recorde Call.