Itchy private area? Every guy has been there, whether it’s hanging out at the family BBQ and faking some stretches in hopes that the old jeans provide enough friction to get some relief, or walking down the street on a first date and trying to distract her while subtly adjusting one’s package - without leaving her wondering exactly what is going on.  There are few occasions on which a good, healthy, ball scratch is not frowned upon, making it pretty uncomfortable for a guy with a chronic manhood itch problem.  Luckily, there is a simple, prescription-free solution to this embarrassing problem using two magic, itch-busting ingredients.  Read on to learn more and for tips on keeping the male organ healthy and itch-free.

Common Itch Culprits

Unfortunately, there is not just one cause for an itchy tool, which can make it more difficult to pinpoint and therefore solve the problem.  However, below is a list of some common irritations and causes of that itch that is sometimes so hard to scratch.

- Dry, cracked skin

- Too-tight clothing

- Cold, dry weather

- Psoriasis

- Eczema

- Razor bumps

- Ingrown hairs

- Too much hair

- Male organ pimples

- Swimming in chlorinated water

- Hot, sweaty weather conditions

- Chafing from clothing

- Not showering after exercise or other sweaty activities

- Not showering after intimacy

- Bacterial infections

- Partner transmitted infections

The Dynamic Itch-fighting Duo

A powerful duo when it comes to fighting itchy skin, vitamin E and Shea butter are two naturally occurring nutrients that boost skin health and radiance while soothing red, itchy skin.  Vitamin E has long been used in skin care products and is known to rejuvenate skin. It is also a powerful antioxidant that works against those cancer-causing free radicals found in the body, making it important for one’s short-term and long-term health.  Shea butter is perhaps lesser known by men, but it is beloved by women and is popping up in lotions, body washes and creams left and right, thanks to its rich moisturizing benefits.   Shea butter is a natural fat complex that is derived from the African Shea tree; in addition to leaving the skin lavishly smooth, it also has anti-inflammatory properties that soothe irritated skin and help zap the itch.  The combination of both products is useful in fighting many of the culprits of everyday itchy skin, while helping to retain much needed moisture to give skin a healthy appearance.

Keeping the male organ healthy

Men who have had a recent unprotected tryst and wake up a few days later with red, itchy sores on their manhood had best head to the doctor, as serious conditions such as partner transmitted infections need professional care and prescription medications. Guys who have chronic itching problems accompanied by other symptoms such as swelling, cracked skin, and/or an unusual discharge should also seek a qualified medical opinion.

For men who just need a little extra male organ TLC, over-the-counter creams can do the tracking. However, when it comes to ensuring the male organ skin remains healthy and itch free, a man doesn’t want to buy just any product.  Many lotions are packed with artificial ingredients and added dyes, perfumes and scents that are prone to irritating already dry or itchy skin.  Selecting a specially formulated male organ vitamin cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) that contains Shea butter and vitamin E, in addition to other male organ specific nutrients, is best suited to maintain the delicate and easily irritated male organ skin.  Even men with mild cases of psoriasis or eczema on the male organ may find that a male organ specific cream works better than other over the counter lotions.  When a male cream like this is added to the daily person care routine, that familiar manhood itch may become a thing of the past.

Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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