Intimacy can be associated with plenty of snafus, complications, and embarrassing situations, and nobody really needs one more.  But what happens when she seems to get itchy and uncomfortable or experiences burning sensations after doing the deed?  Believe it or not, some women (and extremely rarely, men) are actually allergic to male fluid.  Nothing makes intimacy trickier than actually being allergic to it!  Learn what this complication means for one’s intimate life, what to do about it, and how to keep the male organ healthy, too.

Is she allergic to intimacy?

Well, women who are allergic to male fluid are not actually allergic to the act of intimacy itself, but that doesn’t mean complications may not start from the get-go.  Male fluid allergies actually occur in individuals who are sensitive to a specific protein that is found in a man’s emissions.  Of course, the sensitivity level of the person varies as well.  Some women may only experience symptoms if a substantial amount of male fluid touches their skin, while others can get itchy from even a small amount such as the “pre-come” that exits a man’s male organ upon stimulation.  Symptoms may be mild, such itching, slight burning, and irritation of the skin; or they can range to the more severe, such as swelling, hives and even life-threatening anaphylactic shock, where a person’s airway begins to close off, making it difficult or impossible for them to breathe.  While most women are not at risk of dying from intimacy, a male fluid allergy is nothing to ignore, and medical treatment should be sought out. Of course, any women who feels they are experiencing anaphylaxis needs to go to the ER immediately for treatment.

How is it treated?

Women who have mild allergies may be able to get away with rushing to the bathroom after intimacy to wash up and get all traces of male fluid off their skin – effectively removing the allergen and stopping the symptoms.  Using latex barriers – so long as she isn’t allergic to those, as well – can also reduce the chance of uncomfortable symptoms by minimizing exposure. Taking an antihistamine may also help block the reaction for women who do not have severe or life-threatening reactions to the white stuff.  Women who have more severe allergies may need to seek treatment from an allergist who can help to systematically desensitize their body to their partners’ male fluid.  The doctor would carefully, and in a controlled setting, expose them to small amounts of their partners’ male fluid until the exposure no longer causes a reaction.  It is a long process, but if it means a couple can have a normal, healthy romantic life, it may be well worth it!

Maintaining a healthy romantic life

Interestingly, though it may be assumed the allergic condition is only discovered by women who are having relations for the first time, this is not true. Women can spontaneously develop a male fluid allergy at anytime in their life, which would likely be quite the surprise for a person who has never had any difficulties before.  Furthermore, women may be allergic to the male fluid of one man and not another; this is because the protein levels are different between men.  Finally, a woman can even have had a normal intimate life with one partner for a long time and suddenly develop an allergy to his male fluid despite having had many previous exposures to it – just one of the curious things about the human body!

Though most men and women will never have to deal with this obstacle in their romantic lives, they can hope to eliminate other unfortunate problems by keeping themselves healthy.  Men may be able help prevent and reverse common male organ ailments by the use of a daily male organ health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) which contains essential vitamins to help improve circulation, heal broken blood vessels, and cure itchy dry skin on the male organ.  Apply daily and enjoy all the benefits of a healthier, more responsive male organ. 

Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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