When it comes to male organ care, the majority of men have the basics down, and they follow a similar routine just about every day when it comes to grooming and hygiene. On the other hand, while all of the steps they were taught growing up – by parents, doctors, and health teachers, most guys are not aware of one vital step that could make a big difference in their overall male organ health.

The average male follows a routine that looks something like this:

1. Hygiene – Of course, cleanliness is the first step to good health, and there is no substitute for a daily shower or bath to cleanse away any built-up grime, sweat, body fluids and dead skin cells. Keeping the male organ clean is necessary for preventing issues like fungal infections, irritation, swelling and unpleasant odors. Washing with a mild cleanser is best, as ordinary soaps can dry the delicate male skin; and men should avoid scrubbing with rough cloths or sponges – the fingertips alone will do the trick.

2. Grooming – Many men opt for a little extra grooming beyond the cleansing step; trimming or shaving the pelvic hair is a good way to keep the area neat and tidy, control odor, and present the manhood in its full glory to a potential partner (for those who haven’t heard, trimming or shaving the bushy hair around the male organ can actually make it look bigger!).

3. Protection – Every male who has been through a high school health class knows that a major factor in reproductive health is using barrier protection for each and every encounter. Covering up is not only the best way to prevent unwanted pregnancy, save abstinence – it is also the most effective way to prevent partner-transmitted disease. For men who cannot tolerate latex, there are plenty of good alternatives, so there is no excuse for missing this important aspect of male organ care.

4. Self-exams – Most diseases and conditions can be treated if they are caught in the early stages, so men are encouraged to carry out a regular self-exam. A monthly inspection of the male organ and scrotum, with the help of some gentle probing and a good magnifying mirror, can help men detect small problems before they turn into big ones.

5. Annual checkups – As with the steps described above, most men are reasonably aware that they should be seeing their doctor for an annual checkup; and for men who are active, a trip to the local free clinic or urologist every 6 months or so can help them protect themselves and their partners from infections that can lead to serious problems.

What’s missing from the male organ care routine?

Men who make the steps listed above a part of their personal care routines are well on their way to good reproductive health, not to mention good health overall. However, there is one further aspect of male care that can give men an extra boost when it comes to fighting diseases, performing at their peak, and experiencing pleasurable sensations.

Even men who exercise daily care and protect themselves and their partners during intimate encounters can sustain surface-level damage to the male skin. This damage can be cumulative and can cause a breakdown in the nerve fibers that transmit pleasurable sensations to the brain. Furthermore, constant friction – whether from clothing or from intimate contact – can cause a keratinization response in the male skin, where a thicker outer dermal layer is formed as an extra level of protection for the body. Unfortunately, this protective response can also contribute to a gradual loss of sensation – and even a decrease in function.

To avoid these problems, men may consider adding a top-shelf male organ vitamin cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) to their daily regimen. A cream that is fortified vitamins, antioxidants and rich moisturizers can provide an extra layer of protection against friction-related injury, as well as helping to constantly rejuvenate tissue that is damaged during the wear and tear of daily life. Applying a cream like this after a shower, once or twice daily, can leave the male organ feeling soft, healthy and responsive.

Visit http://www.man1health.com for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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