When it comes to intimacy, even the steamiest couple hits a cold patch from time to time.  Rather than letting intimacy go by the wayside and hoping it comes back into the picture, it is better for a couple to be proactive and get back in the saddle as soon as possible.  The longer a couple goes without having intimacy, the more they become accustomed to their new routine – so stoke the intimate fires tonight and get back to a better romance life now.  Already enjoying hot intimacy?  Check out these 5 tips and to see if things can get hotter than hot; and learn why a healthy male organ translates into a healthy intimacy life.

Shock those senses

A good way to enhance an intimate experience is to wake up all 5 senses. This helps to invigorate the body and can lead to a whole new level of pleasure.  Try taking a hot shower (together, of course), turning up the water as hot as tolerable.  Daring couples who really want to wake up their sense of touch can try an icy blast of cool water every now and then.  Or break out some ice cubes after the shower – the juxtaposition between hot and cold will drive those senses wild!  To awaken the other four senses, try lighting scented candles or snuggling by the fireplace for sensual ambiance. Bring sweet treats like chocolate sauce or whipped cream into the bedroom, and put on some love-making music for an all around sense-ational experience!

Work out

Though getting sweaty before getting busy may not sound sensual, getting the blood flowing can actually ramp up one’s desire.  When the blood is pumping it goes everywhere – including the genitals.  Maybe even try working out together, seeing each other all sweaty and working hard may be enough of a turn-on to trade one kind of work out for another.

Fun fact: even if the workout occurs earlier in the day, a couple is more likely to get busy later on.  Studies have found a positive correlation between exercise and intimacy, meaning the more a couple engages in exercise, the more likely they are to get it on, as well.  If that’s not motivation to hit the gym, nothing is!

Act like a teenager

Remember the last time the hormones were going crazy and one couldn’t get enough of one’s partner? Chances are that things were hot and heavy in high school or in the early 20’s.  Even for teens who weren’t getting busy, there was probably plenty of making out, which certainly stoked the desire to make a guy wish he could have intimacy that night.  Going back to a simpler time of no-strings-attached making out can ensure that the mood will get hot and heavy – talk about hitting a home run.

Enter a fantasy world

Most everybody has a secret intimate fantasy – but how many people actually experience those fantasies outside of their mind?  Rather than just imagining all the things one could do to one’s partner – why not see if he or she is actually willing to try them out?  Even if a couple decides not to act it out in the end, sometimes just talking about fantasies is enough to get things moving in the bedroom.  Don’t know where to start?  Try picking up a sensual book and reading excerpts aloud to each other; this is sure to get the creative juices flowing.

Keep the male organ healthy

Though it may seem intuitive for some, many men do not take special care of their special package.  But when one thinks about what exactly is riding on a healthy male organ, it makes sense to keep the tool in top-notch condition.  To enhance the health – and appearance – of the male organ, use a high quality male organ vitamin cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) that contains Shea butter and vitamin E to moisturize the skin and keep it touchably smooth.  Other vital nutrients such as L Arganine and Acetyl L Carnitine help enhance the sensitivity of the male organ and improve blood flow for stronger tumescence.  Simply apply after the shower and enjoy a healthier male organ.

For additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ, visit: http://www.man1health.com. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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