Laminine Benefits ® Benefits Range Widely, person to person... 

When a Doctor was asked, "Would you be intersted if it could do these things?". 

His response was, "Gosh I'd buy it if it could do ONE of those things!".

Laminine ® Health Benefits include, but are not limited to:

* Builds collagen for healthier looking skin and reduced signs of aging

* Improves joint mobility

* Reduces cortisol and improves insulin sensitivity to assists in weight loss

* Promotes more restful sleep

* Increases libido (in both males and females)

* Increased alertness

* Increased physical strength

* Improves stamina and energy

* Reduces physical and mental stress

* Improves memory & intellectual problem solving

* Enhances brain function and activity including mental focus

* Increases alertness

* Down-regulates pain receptors in the body and reduces perception of pain

* Elevates serotonin levels to raise your mood, and assist the body to fight depression, and improve feelings of well-being

* Improves metabolic parameters (lowered cholesterol, triglycerides, CRP, and blood glucose, increased HDL)

* Increases sexual desire, enhances libido, and improves sexual satisfaction in both men and women

* Stimulates natural DHEA and lowers cortisol to reduce physical and mental stress
Produces quicker recovery after work out and increases muscle tone and lean muscle mass.

The mechanism of action for these diverse effects is 4-fold.

The product provides the building blocks and nutritional support to significantly enhance the production and maintenance of Laminin, the structural foundation of the human body. It has been clinically proven to:

(1) Laminine® provides the building blocks and nutritional support to significantly enhance the production and maintenance of Laminin, the structural intracellular matrix and foundation of the human body.

(2) It has been clinically proven to increase serotonin (increasing serotonin improves mood, reduces perception of pain, and helps the body to fight depression)

(3) It has been clinically proven to reduce the body’s production of cortisol (the stress chemical which can damage our bodies and health), and

(4) It is proven to enhance and support the production of valuable Growth Factors, specifically Fibroblast Growth Factors which help the body to replenish and repair itself, act in wound healing, and are critical for normal brain function and central nervous system health.

Read More in Detail by Clicking through below on the website:
Sports Nutrition & Faster Exercise Recovery
Memory Enhancement & Clarity of Thought
Mood Enhancement & Depression Relief
Cardiovascular Health & Libido Enhancement
Assists Toxin Removal from Body
Skin & Hair Health
Combats Fatigue & Improves Energy Levels
Stress Management & Improved Sleep
Addresses Blood Sugar & Diabetes Issues

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