One diagnosis nobody wants to hear is that they have male organ cancer. Just the thought of cancer can send shivers down a grown-man’s spine.  Unfortunately, many people ignore the warning signs of such an illness out of fear; they may suspect something is wrong for many months before finally going to the doctor.  Sound familiar?  Finding cancer -- of any kind -- in the earlier stages allows for the best possible outcome.  Below are some of the signs of symptoms of male cancer that men should keep an out for when completing their daily male organ care routine.  Taking a proactive stance at the first suspicious sign may just save a man’s life.

Is there such a thing as male organ cancer?

Many men have heard of prostate cancer but are unfamiliar with male cancer.  However, it is important to be aware that male organ cancer is very real, and can affect any man. Male organ cancer occurs when cancerous cells form in the tissue of the male organ; it generally starts in a skin cell, known as a squamous cell, and grows slowly from there.  Rarely, male organ cancer can occur in the sweat glands of the male organ.

Male cancer signs and symptoms

Below are some of the most common signs of male cancer. Because the symptoms also overlap other conditions – including STD’s – it is important to consult a doctor for a diagnosis if any of these symptoms should persist.

1.     Male organ sores

2.     Male discharge

3.     Bleeding from the male organ or sores

4.     Painful male organ bumps or lumps

5.     Persistent redness, or irritation of the male organ

Risk factors for male organ cancer

There are certain actions and behaviors in life that increase the risk of developing an illness or disease.  Risk factors do not automatically mean a person will develop the disease – even if they have every single risk factor – but it allows a man to take stock of his behavior and consider how certain choices he is making may influence his long-term health.  Risk factors for male organ cancer are:

  • Having contracted Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
  • Being uncircumcised
  • Being over age 60
  • Chronic, poor personal hygiene
  • Smoking or using other tobacco products
  • Having numerous intimate partners
  • Having phimosos – when the sheath of the male organ is unable to retract over the head of the male organ
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Certain psoriasis treatments

Is male cancer treatable?

Thankfully, if caught in early stages, male cancer can be treated.  Surgery is the most common method of treatment for male cancer.  Below is a brief list of the surgical options for male cancer treatment.

  • Surgical ablation:  If the cancer is located in the sheath, a simple surgical ablation may be all that is required to treat the condition.
  • Wide local excision: The cancerous cells, and the tissue immediately surrounding it, are removed from the male organ tissue.
  • Laser surgery: A laser is used to target and remove cancerous cells.
  • Microsurgery: A microscope is used during surgery so that the doctor can target and surgically remove cancerous tissue with as little healthy tissue removed as possible.
  • Electrodessication and curettage: In this method, the cancer is removed by scraping the tumor with a curette while also applying and electrical current to the specific area to kill cancer cells.
  • Cryosurgery: In this procedure, liquid nitrogen is used to freeze and kill cancer cells.
  • Amputation: In some cases, a removal of the male organ via a penectomy is required.  Full, or partial removal of the male organ may be warranted depending on the severity of the cancer.  Lymph nodes in the groin may also be removed during surgery, to ensure the cancer is eliminated from the body.
  • Radiation: High-energy rays are targeted at cancer cells to kill them; this is a non-surgical procedure.
  • Chemotherapy: High doses of potent medication are given to kill cancer cells, also a non-surgical procedure.

Maintaining male organ health

While the chance of a total penectomy is rare for the average, healthy man, it is easy to see why taking proper care of the male organ – and seeking immediate medical attention for an out-of-the-ordinary male organ lump or bump is so important.  Doctors recommend a monthly self-exam of the male organ and groin area to check for both visible and invisible bumps.  Men should carefully palpate the pelvic area to feel for bumps, which may indicate pelvic or male organ cancer.  In many case, a sore may be just that; a sore; but it could also be an indication of something more serious.  While a careful examination should be conducted monthly, daily male organ care should also be instituted to keep the member healthy.  Utilizing a high-quality male organ vitamin cream (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can help protect the male organ from unsightly pimples, lumps and bumps by reducing bacterial growth and chance of infection.  Simply apply a male organ vitamin creams directly on the skin after a shower to achieve maximum effect and benefits.

Check here for more advice about common male organ health problems, including soreness, redness and loss of male organ sensation. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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