Flexkom Partnership
There are many reasons why now is the time to become a partner with Flexkom and build a residual income with the company. Flexkom was formed in 2010 in Germany, launched firstly in Turkey in 2011 and its innovative service has already marked it down as a sure fire winner.

It is now launching in 50 more countries, including the UK, and it is in the launch period where you can position yourself so that you can earn a truly outstanding income from the Flexkom opportunity. The company has everything in place to expand and become one of the largest companies worldwide over the next few years, and this is your chance to take advantage.

Flexkom is creating a worldwide mega mall that gives benefits to everyone that uses the service. The customer loyalty system built into the Flexkom model is very, very powerful. The consumers when they get a Flex Card get discounts and information sent to them of special offers, and the retailers get the ability to find new customers, the use of an online portal to sell their goods and services and they also earn money from each transaction from any Flex Card that a customer has received from them, wherever they have used it.

But we are looking at a partnership with Flexkom from the perspective of a Franchisee or Global Partner as they are called. If you join Flexkom as a Global Partner there really is no limit to your earning potential. The incentive package is as good as it gets ( and please do contact us to get the full details of this ), and you can earn money on a number of levels.

When you become a Global Partner you are given a number of Flex Cards which you can hand out to people. Whenever a person uses one of these cards in a Flexkom outlet in whatever country they may be in at the time, you will earn commission from that transaction. That is an amazing incentive to become a Partner all by itself.

You can also introduce the business to retail shops, sports clubs, charities etc etc. Now if they decide to go ahead and join Flexkom and get a Flex Terminal and some Flex Cards to give out, you then earn commission from every transaction in that shop and transactions from any cards that the shop gives out to consumers.

The exciting thing about this company is that it is making use of all the newest technology and putting itself at the forefront of a new way to shop. The pioneering core of the business is the linking of local retail and online commerce, and they are integrating e-commerce with m-commerce to create a unique shopping service.

This is not an opportunity to delay on, the quicker you act the greater the rewards will be there for you. Flexkom is going to be a worldwide phenomenon, the company is geared up to expand rapidly, if you want to be a part of this then please contact us ASAP.

If you are stuck with no place to go we have the solution!!

Register free to secure your place:


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BLOG: https://www.rebelmouse.com/flexkomcentral/


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