Flexkom WEBINAR tonight at 7

Posted by Flexkom Central
645 Pageviews
Dear reader,

*Not registered yet? *

If you still need to register on the Flexkom site do it now
www.flexkom.com/567654  Register under "brand Manager" Click the flag for
English language if you need to.

*Registration is Free.* Your account only becomes active once/if payment is

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Let me know if you have any questions regarding registrations.   *
*Want to learn more about Flexkom? *
*Already registered but need a refresh on the information?*
Please read the brochure attached and watch these three videos


I would like to invite you to join us tonight .
Please visit our site and register free at:


** A Meeting In All Your Homes Wednesday 26th June, 7pm

This is one that you do not need to travel too far for. A webinar (http://thefutureofbusinessintheuk.com/flexkom-events/#) in your own home. Please invite all your contacts to this by sharing the link with them. At 6-50 pm on the 26th June click on the following link:


Warm regards,

Roberto oliveira


SKYPY: flexkomcentral