What are the various methods of birth control available?

Children can bring much joy into the lives of the parents who raise them – joy which many couples take pains to delay until the time is just right. Luckily, there are many methods of birth control available to choose from – some hormonal and some not. Moreover, some types of birth control provide additional protection from partner transmitted infections, while others do not.  While preventing pregnancy is certainly important to many men, maintaining male organ health is important to every man and should be part of the decision as well.  In fact, combining birth control methods such as an oral medication and a latex barrier provides maximum protection from both pregnancy and infection.

8 Common Methods of Birth Control

The Latex barrier:  Latex barriers are worn over the male organ and prevent sperm from entering the uterus.  They also available in polyurethane; it is important to note, however, that lambskin barriers, while effective at preventing pregnancy, are found to not be as effective against infections.

Oral birth control: One of the most common types of birth control is an oral medication, which is 99% effective against pregnancy when taken properly.  The medication uses the female hormones estrogen and progestin to prevent pregnancy. It is available in combination (estrogen and progestin), progestin-only, and extended cycle dosages, which changes the frequency of the period to every three months or longer.

The Diaphragm: The diaphragm is a dome shaped contraceptive device that is made from rubber.  It is designed to non-hormonally prevent the sperm from fertilizing an egg.

The Ring: Named for its ring shape, this is flexible plastic ring that is inserted into the female channel. The ring works in the same manner as oral medication, by releasing hormones into the woman’s body.

The IUD: An intrauterine device (IUD) is a copper device that is surgically implanted in the uterus to prevent pregnancy. IUDs are implanted by a doctor, are more than 99% effective and can remain implanted for 10 or more years.

The Female Barrier:  A female latex barrier is inserted into the female, where it covers the cervix to prevent the passage of sperm to the egg. Made from a soft plastic known as polyurethane, the female barrier is prone to slipping and is not as effective at preventing infection or pregnancy as male latex barriers. However, this method may be preferred by individuals who have a latex allergy or sensitivity.

The Patch:  This method of birth control uses a hormone-releasing patch that can be placed on the body. It stays in place for a week at a time and relies on the same combination of hormones as oral contraceptives.

The Implant:  Another method of birth control, considered to be slightly more permanent based on its design; the device is implanted under the skin on the upper arm. The implant is about the side of a matchstick, is nearly 100% effective, and stays implanted for about three years.

The Healthy Male Organ

Using proper protection is an integral part of one’s overall male organ health and wellness. A latex barrier is the most effective way – apart from abstinence -- for a man to protect himself from STI’s and also from getting his partner pregnant.  Additionally, the use of a high-quality male organ vitamin formula helps keep the male organ functioning at its highest possible level (most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). When applied directly to the male organ, the vitamin formula can help improve male organ health by rejuvenating the skin of the male organ while improving circulation and enhancing sensitivity of the area.

For additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving male organ sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ, visit: http://www.man1health.com/. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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